Digital Dreams (Short Story)

<p>&ldquo;I got the laptop; it was a Mac, 15 inches, which felt small. Nothing seemed to fit the screen properly; that was my first thought. It oddly reminded me of a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Game Boy</a>&nbsp;screen, even though it was indeed a laptop. A strange duality.</p> <p>I opened the door to a small apartment, and there were two friends from university. It felt as dormitory room again. Lexa looked intensely focused, as he always did. This time, he seemed to be studying something, working on some kind of project, sitting in his worn-out pajama pants. He glanced at me with eyes tired from intense concentration and remarked, &ldquo;Hey there, here you are!&rdquo; as if I visited them daily. The last time I&rsquo;d seen him was at least 15 years ago.</p> <p>Seeing Lexa and Tolyan after so many years felt surreal, a collision of past memories and present reality.</p> <p>Tolyan, on the other hand, was idly sitting in the corner of the room, a position he often assumed when all seemed right with the world. I reached out for a handshake, but he hesitated and murmured, &ldquo;You have to get the shot.&rdquo; Confused, I looked at Lexa, who clarified, &ldquo;You should get the shots, the COVID ones. That what he means&rdquo;. Tolyan finally shook my hand, although it seemed to take some effort.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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