Societal Change in the Digital Age

<p>Arather long time ago, we figured out that fire wasn&rsquo;t just good for making mastodon ribs much tastier and keeping us warm, it also helped keep us safe from other animals that liked our tasty ribs. Since then we started to form societies and use culture as the code to evolve. Our societies have been constantly evolving and changing and continue to do so.</p> <p>As we begin the Digital Age, we are undergoing huge societal changes again. This next time of societal transition may prove to be as profound as when we slowly shifted from hunter-gatherer to agrarian societies. The social changes we are undergoing may also prove to be much faster than the agrarian one which evolved over thousands of years.</p> <p>We tend to think that major societal changes such as foraging to hunter-gatherer to agrarian to industrial happen overnight. They do not. They can take a long time and underlying them all is technology. The most radical societal changes happen when we invent communication and transportation technologies.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Digital