Tag: Developer

To Be A Great Software Developer — You Need a System

Software Engineers are expected to churn out work quickly in this fast-paced development world. And let’s be frank. There is a lot of competition out there these days. We have to make ourselves stand out. One way to do that is to churn out high-quality work. One way to consistently produ...

How to start your journey as a web developer

Web development involves building a website from the ground up, and the person responsible for developing a website is known as a “Web Developer” or sometimes playfully referred to as “Spiderman.” In my opinion, web development is the most beginner-friendly domain in Compu...

Programming Concepts That Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

JavaScript is the only native programming language to build web application frontends that work on standard web browsers. Every popular web browser adheres to the well-known ECMAScript standard and lets web developers run portable, compatible JavaScript code. As another popular programming language,...

To Be A Great Software Developer —  You Need a System

Software Engineers are expected to churn out work quickly in this fast-paced development world. And let’s be frank. There is a lot of competition out there these days. We have to make ourselves stand out. One way to do that is to churn out high-quality work. One way to consistently produ...

A 20-year-experienced CTO’s Advice Don’t Be a Humble Developer

I was scrolling reels on Instagram. Then a nice and funny video came to my feed. In that reel, An spiritual coach(guru) called Sadhguru made a funny but thoughtful joke. Before talking further, I need to say… I am not a follower or fan of his, but I like some of his philosophies. ...

JavaScript’s Shorthand Syntax That Every Developer Should Know

About three decades ago, every web page was static and showed the same content for all visitors. Later, web servers generated dynamic content based on the current user via an early server-side web development concept called CGI (Common Gateway Interface). The invention of JavaScript initially helped...

10 Powerful CSS Properties that Every Web Developer must know

You probably never heard of them, but you will love them once you know. CSS. A language which is responsible for nearly every website in the world. With so many properties, CSS is pretty huge. Finding good properties among them is like trying to read a binary file by yourself (pls don&rsquo...

REST Endpoint Best Practices Every Developer Should Know

REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style for designing networked applications, and adhering to its principles is crucial for creating scalable, maintainable, and efficient web services. In this blog post, we’ll delve into best practices for desi...

10 Life-Changing Books Every Developer Should Read

Asa developer, reading books can be a great way to expand your knowledge, improve your skills, and gain new perspectives. Here are 10 more life-changing books every developer should read:   #1 The Phoenix Project A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win By Gene Kim, Kevi...

ChatGPT for Developer Productivity

In today’s world of software engineering, crafting tests has become a vital companion to writing code. This is due to the rapid pace at which code evolves, especially within agile development methods. With practices like shared code ownership and continuous integration, automated test cases pl...

Mastering the Android Developer Interview: Essential Topics and Tips for Success

I want to share my experience and insights on preparing for an Android Developer interview. It’s an exciting and sometimes nerve-wracking journey, but with the correct preparation, you can ace that interview and land your dream job. Speaking of which, I recently went through the intervie...

How to become an Android Developer — only good advice

For the purpose of this article I’ll assume that the reader has no connection to IT business or has no experience with any programming language. So, you want to change your career path and your life by becoming an Android Developer. I congratulate you! This is a very rewarding occupation wi...

Research: quantifying GitHub Copilot’s impact on developer productivity and happiness.

When it comes to measuring developer productivity, there is little consensus and there are far more questions than answers. The ability to stay focused on the task at hand, make meaningful progress, and feel good at the end of a day’s work make a real difference in developers’ satisfa...

7 Signals That You Aren’t a Competent Senior Developer (Yet)

The speed of promotion in software engineering roles is astounding. That isn’t an issue in itself, but sometimes the “wrong” people are being promoted to senior roles. Wrong in this context are those that are fast at completing simplistic programming tasks, rather than those who fo...

On The Road to Being a Better Developer

Everyone wants to be good in what he’s doing — that’s human nature, that’s how we’re raised. The key is constant improvement without being disappointed by small failures and bumps on the way. In the last 10 years, I’ve been working as a developer and I feel I&rsqu...

The 6 Phrases That Show You’re a Junior Developer

Are you revealing that you’re a junior developer with the way you communicate with your team? These are the key phrases that you might be using which will mark you out as a junior developer. Saying Nothing It’s not just about stand-up meetings and the dearth of quality...

How to be better iOS Developer using this tips!

When you first start writing code, it’s exciting to be able to solve problems with code. You may have also felt the satisfaction of creating an app that meets your expectations. But when you’re new to coding, it’s easy to miss things. That’s because most of us learn by our...

12 Websites You’ll Love As A Developer

Websites are now an essential tool for every business. And if you are a web developer and need to find new material or resources, then this is the place for you. As a developer, it is not easy to find a website that can provide all the resources and information that you need. This article will take ...

My Journey from Junior Developer to Jack of All Trades: Building a Long-Term Business

I was a young web developer eager to build and create something new. Going from developer to project manager, client hunter to client engager, and multidimensional entrepreneur has been quite an adventure. If you’re starting out, I hope my story will inspire you. Chapter 1: A Junior Web Dev...

My Company Told Me They Don’t Care About Me by Buying Me a New Macbook Pro

The Secret Developer is an old, irrelevant person. They might claim to be a successful keyboard jockey but they’re a grumpy old stick in the mud. Worse still, they change their mind about the most important issues in computing. Isn’t this a personal attack? Is this allowed in c...

Trying to become a better developer by learning more about aviation

In the last few months, I started geeking more about aviation-related topics. Mostly by watching A LOT of videos explaining how things work, and how accidents happened in that highly regulated and safe field. I really don’t know why the aviation domain precisely but, I think it has a sweet ...

The main problem I face as a software developer

They just don’t wanna pay for changes and add-ons! What can I say? Without sounding like an angry dude. When people go to supermarkets, they know the rule. They take 10 items, they pay for 10 items. They want a 11th item, well, they pay for it. Duh, right? Not so, it seems, in softwar...

I asked this system design question to 3 guys during a developer interview and none of them gave…

A Common system design question. The Question Weeks ago, a candidate came in and we started the interview (senior dev, 3rd round) process. Since he has internet company working experience, a famous ecoms company. The first question I asked him “what do you do in your team? tell me the...

How to Become a Blockchain Developer in 2023

Let’s take the example of John Doe. John wants to become a blockchain developer. How will John do this? He will go on YouTube and watch countless tutorials, then he will go buy courses because his friend Chad said “expensive things are always better”, and then finally he will go sp...

Stop being an “insert-framework/language” Developer

Regardless of how long you have been in tech, you must have come across or been a “React Developer”, “Python Developer”, “C# Developer”, and so on. Everyone starts somewhere, and once we find our niche/comfort zone, we tend to not leave it. As humans we are hesita...

My Junior developer told me: OO Design patterns are too complicated and useless

I learned a lot from our conversation. The conversation Weeks ago, lunchtime. My junior told me: “I think OO programming does not make sense, It is always over complicated things.” “Why do you think so?” I asked. Dude: “You see it always needs to create a...

16 Libraries You Should Know as a React Developer

Being a modern React developer is not about knowing just React itself. To stay competitive, it is highly recommended to explore the whole ecosystem. In this article, I’ve compiled some of the most useful React component libraries you could use to speed up your developer workflow. Those w...

These 6 Steps Are All You Need To Build And Publish Your Project Into NPM

Have you ever considered publishing your projects or apps on NPM for others to use? Publishing your projects on NPM has numerous benefits. It can help you showcase your developer skills, contribute to the open-source community, learn from the experience, and become a better developer. These are j...

JavaScript Best Practices Every Developer Should Know

JavaScript is a cornerstone of modern web development, empowering developers to craft dynamic and interactive experiences for users. However, writing functional code is just the beginning; ensuring code maintainability, scalability, and readability is equally essential, especially for beginner devel...

7 Free Public APIs you will love as a developer

JSON Placeholder is a service that provides you with fake online REST APIs for testing and prototyping. This is a go-to API for every developer. Link: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/ 2. Google Translate Google has a plethora of APIs, bu...

How I Became a Full Stack Software Developer in 7 Months (Self-taught)

Let’s be realistic here. Becoming a full stack developer in less than 3 or 4 months is nearly impossible. Maybe there would be only about 1% of people who would have achieved it but for the rest of 99%, that doesn’t happen. I quit my job as a Content Writer in 2021 and started prep...

How to get clients while being a freelance web developer?

Everybody wants to make money, right? There are many web developers out there who have a lot of experience in doing side projects but can’t pull clients. This article is exactly for those people. However, if you are a person who has been doing web development for just 3–4 months only,...

How to become a freelance web developer in 13 simple steps

Are you fascinated by the idea of being your own boss, setting your own hours, and working on projects you’re passionate about? Becoming a freelance web developer might be the perfect path for you. In this story, I’ll walk you through the process of becoming a successful freelance web...

Making money as an average developer is hard right? Atleast not now

I’m just like the other 99% of developers who are not in the top 1%. Maybe because I’m too young (20 y/o) or because I’m too lazy. I strongly believe that right now I’m not a 10X developer who can do almost everything, and I always want to be a 10X developer. Are you li...

Full-Stack Developer Roadmap: Step-by-Step Guide 2023

The demand for versatile and skilled professionals is increasing in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape. One such role that has gained significant popularity is that of a Fullstack Developer. This article will provide an in-depth understanding of what a Fullstack Developer i...

BioDrop: A Fresh Start for the Open Source Project Formerly Known as LinkFree

one are the days of LinkFree. Enter BioDrop, a refreshing rebranding of the popular open source project. The name change comes as a strategic move to differentiate it from similarly named services, most notably Linktree. Why the Rebrand? While LinkFree gained significant popularity as an open ...

10 TypeScript Tips and Tricks Every Developer Should Know

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that allows developers to write safer and more maintainable code. It provides static typing, type checking, and other advanced features that are not available in vanilla JavaScript. In this article, we will explore some of the most useful TypeScript tips and tr...

Best VSCode Extensions That Every Developer Should Have (10x Productivity)

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular code editor that is used by millions of developers around the world. It is a free and open-source editor that is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux. VS Code is highly customizable and can be extended with a variety of extensions. Today I am going to t...

7 AI Tools Every Software Developer Needs to Know [2023]

Until very recently, the shift to AI in our lives as devs has been gradual. Now, the creep is ready to become more of a rush. Software developers who aren’t adopting now risk being left behind. 70% of organisations are looking to adopt, or have already done so — so we have t...

The Best C Alternative Is Zig

The C programming language is the creator of every modern software system component. Every operating system offers pre-included C headers to access system APIs. Developers made web servers, databases, operating systems, frameworks, programming languages, cloud components, and numerous software compo...

Top Flutter Tools Every Developer Should Know in 2023

In an ever-evolving technological landscape, Flutter has etched its name as the go-to framework for streamlined mobile app development. Flutter, developed by Google, offers an array of advantages from its stunning UI to a shorter development cycle, making it a preferred choice among developers world...

My Friend Quit a $160k Job Because It Was a Developer’s Trap

Salary is one of the main things that attracts us to a job. For me, it was the most important thing until I learned a very important lesson from my friend. I have a lot of developer friends. I try to maintain these friendships because I have seen that a solid professional network is very importan...

Here’s What I Learned After Interviewing Over 50 Experienced Coders

Have you ever wondered what it takes to successfully interview experienced coders? It’s a vital question often asked by those seeking to make an impact. After you achieve a level of experience (probably as a mid or senior developer in most tech companies) you’ll likely be asked to ...

Code Review Etiquette For The Modern Developer

No, it’s not just LGTM. It’s about far more than just LGTMs and GEFNs. Sure, the little rocket  and  emojis help, but that isn’t what code review is all about, and it never was. If code reviews for you are a checkbox exercise, you’re in the right place. If code revi...

7 AI Tools Every Software Developer Needs to Know [2023]

Until very recently, the shift to AI in our lives as devs has been gradual. Now, the creep is ready to become more of a rush. Software developers who aren’t adopting now risk being left behind. 70% of organisations are looking to adopt, or have already done so — so we have t...

19 Developer Tools to Improve Your Workflow

Working smart, not hard, has become more important than ever. As developers, we frequently find ourselves juggling tasks, debugging problems, and managing complex projects, which makes determining the best workflow a challenge. I’ve compiled a list of 19 developer tools that will help you c...

To Be A Great Software Developer — You Need a System

Software Engineers are expected to churn out work quickly in this fast-paced development world. And let’s be frank. There is a lot of competition out there these days. We have to make ourselves stand out. One way to do that is to churn out high-quality work. One way to consistently produ...

How not to be an Indie Game Developer

The Beginning of My Journey Hey there, fellow Indies! I started the Game Dev journey with platformer games like Mario and 3D Shooting Game. The first game I published on itch.io was Twins, a game based on the 2048 puzzle. The game was a great exercise of problem-solving for me. Well after that my...

Weekly Developer Update #13

WDUs are back, Commander. Now that we are just getting started with Cosmicrafts Open Beta, we want to bring back the essence of which you liked the most when we first ventured into Web3 and to the public realms. WDUs encapsulate the spirit of community, transparency, and shared discovery that f...

UI Elements For Wave System | Unity Developer

While I’m continuing work on implementing different mechanics for the boss fight for my space shooter game, I realized that while I do have an enemy spawning wave system in place, there aren’t any notifications to tell the player they are on the next wave. Since the boss fight ...

Adding A Boss Fight Part 2: Boss Spawn & Position | Unity Developer

At long last, it’s time to add a boss to our space shooter. This boss will appear after all of the enemy waves, complete with a set of unique attacks and behaviors. I’ll divide up the process of adding a boss fight into multiple parts. Today’s story will cover the spawning and the ...

The Curse of the Indie Game Developer

When it comes to great feats of coding, it’s hard to match the difficulty, creativity, and sheer audacity of building a modern computer game entirely on your own. Ambitious, yes. Lonely, definitely. Crazy — well, let’s just say that you won’t get far unless you manage to igno...

How not to be an Indie Game Developer

The Beginning of My Journey Hey there, fellow Indies! I started the Game Dev journey with platformer games like Mario and 3D Shooting Game. The first game I published on itch.io was Twins, a game based on the 2048 puzzle. The game was a great exercise of problem-solving for me. Well after that my...

10 Challenges to Overcome on Your Journey to Becoming an Indie Game Developer

Are you passionate about gaming and dreaming of creating your own indie games? Embarking on the path to becoming an indie game developer is an exciting and rewarding journey. However, it’s not without its challenges. Here are ten obstacles you might encounter and tips on how to overcome them. ...

KOTCL Developer Diaries: the book of events gets its content

We’re happy to see you again. How was your week? Ours was very productive. Once again, we sneaked into Mortis’s records without permission. We weren’t caught, which means we brought back some delicious details! Let’s take a look at what we managed to obtain. An update in t...

Death of a Game Developer

On August 31, 2019, indie game developer Alec Holowka, whose best-known works were Aquaria [2007] and Night of the Woods [2017], killed himself. Four days earlier, his ex-girlfriend, Zoe Quinn, accused him of sexual violence and emotional during their brief relationship in 2012. Within a d...

How to Get Started as a Solo Game Developer

Game development is probably one of the most unique things one can do. It involves almost every creative and analytical discipline, from art and sound design to music composition, programming, and storytelling. It takes an unbelievable amount of work to finish and ship a game, and yet, there are ...

KOTCL Developer Diaries: we pressed a button, and everything broke down!

Well, this week turned out to be quite something — we finally sent the build to be tested, meaning, we started testing it ourselves, and… Of course, the trap snapped shut. We did over 200 tasks that involved changes since the last update, and true to tradition, those changes broke many ...

KOTCL Developer diaries: roads, travel notes, and potions

We’re happy to see you here again. Our whole team is actively working on polishing and finalizing everything before the update and future release, so we don’t have much new material. But as little as there is, even Mortis couldn’t hide that from us. We’ve traveled together a ...

Weekly Developer Update #13

WDUs are back, Commander. Now that we are just getting started with Cosmicrafts Open Beta, we want to bring back the essence of which you liked the most when we first ventured into Web3 and to the public realms. WDUs encapsulate the spirit of community, transparency, and shared discovery that f...

iOS Developer Roadmap 2023

Being an iOS developer implies to keep learning about many topics such as data persistence, memory management or concurrency just to mention some of them, and it’s important to always be up to date with the latest features to take the full advantage of the platform. I created the ...

How to be better iOS Developer using this tips!

When you first start writing code, it’s exciting to be able to solve problems with code. You may have also felt the satisfaction of creating an app that meets your expectations. But when you’re new to coding, it’s easy to miss things. That’s because most of us learn by our...

5 Bash String Manipulation Methods That Help Every Developer

Bash became every Unix-like or Unix-based operating system’s default automation language. Every system administrator, DevOps engineer, and programmer typically uses Bash to write shell scripts with repetitive command sequences. Bash scripts typically contain commands that run other program bin...

The Tool to Automate Your MacOS Developer SetUp.

I don't know about you guys, but from time to time I like to clean all my files on my MacBook and start over. All my code is always up to date with ther respective github repos, this way starting over is just a matter of reinstalling and configuring all the software again. Most software nowad...

Developer life: relocating to the Netherlands

Moving to a new country is always a bit scary. There are unfamiliar bureaucratic processes to deal with, different cultural norms and behaviour to learn and you have to figure out a new way of getting around. To offer a helping hand, there’s Miriam. She made the whole process really smooth....

Is it worth to get a software developer job (and not only) in Dubai?

Dubai is the most populous and famous city in United Arab Emirates. A country that consists of seven emirates: Abu Dhabi (which is actually a capital of UAE), Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras al-Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm al-Quwain. According to the Dubai Statistic Centre the current resident pop...

Barclays London Developer Analyst Intern Interview Experience

Applications open around June-September and remain open for 2–3 months before they start their review process. I applied through UK Indeed, without any referrals. Applications are open for different locations like Glasgow, Manchester, London, and Northampton, at different times, and you need t...

Miami Developer Eric Sheppard Busted For PPP Loan Fraud

Federal prosecutors have indicted mega-millionaire Miami Eric Sheppard developer. They claim Sheppard stole nearly $900,000 from the U.S. government’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Sheppard owns WSG Development. Eric Sheppard is facing one felony count of wire fraud. Prosecutors a...

Women Developer Academy Europe 2023 — My Experience

The program had 2–3 evening sessions each week. The topics for the meetings were about public speaking, applying to conferences, online branding, and many other related topics. Many of those topics were familiar, as I’ve spoken at many conferences, but I also learned new things. For m...

From Marketer to Developer at Teads: How Did I Make the Transition?

As an E-Store Manager, my job involved driving online store revenues. Initially, I enjoyed this role, but after several years, I felt like I had seen it all. As it was an operational job, a significant part of my time was spent implementing pre-determined plans along with my team. A large portion of...

What It’s Like Being a Female Developer On a Team That Respects You

Happy belated International Women’s Day. I’m a week late, but it’s fine; conversations around topics of equality, including gender equality, don’t need to be confined to one day anyway. Throughout my tech adventure so far, I’ve met a number of people who were hostile...

Make Your Own Black and White Developer

In this new series of blog posts, I will take you through how to compound your own black and white developer formulae from raw chemicals, which will allow you to explore the varied effects possible when home-developing black and white film. You don’t need to be a chemist to perform any of...

I Failed as a Lead Developer. What I’ve Learned?

Transitioning from a senior to a lead developer can be challenging, especially without prior experience. In this reflection, I aim to share insights into what this shift entails and highlight common mistakes to avoid. Being a senior dev doesn’t mean we are automatically ready to be a...