From Marketer to Developer at Teads: How Did I Make the Transition?

<p>As an E-Store Manager, my job involved driving online store revenues. Initially, I enjoyed this role, but after several years, I felt like I had seen it all. As it was an operational job, a significant part of my time was spent implementing pre-determined plans along with my team. A large portion of my days was devoted to using tools to put products or promotions online. My tasks also included generating reports, organizing photo shoots and organizing my team&rsquo;s work, or attending numerous meetings. The meetings I enjoyed the most were those where I could propose optimizations for the website, as they gave me the opportunity to work with Product Managers and Product Owners. These meetings sparked my interest in more technical roles and made me question my own.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>