My Friend Quit a $160k Job Because It Was a Developer’s Trap

<p>Salary is one of the main things that attracts us to a job. For me, it was the most important thing until I learned a very important lesson from my friend.</p> <p>I have a lot of developer friends. I try to maintain these friendships because I have seen that a solid professional network is very important for career growth. You should do it too. You can get a job 5x faster by your networks than the job portals. But let&rsquo;s talk about that another day.</p> <p>Today I will discuss a crucial lesson many programmers often don&rsquo;t care about and suffer later. Let&rsquo;s get into the story&hellip;</p> <h2>He was offered a 33% more salary in a new company</h2> <p>He is a React developer working in a Fortune 500 company remotely. He was getting $120k before tax.</p> <p>Suddenly, he got a job offer from a renowned software development company via LinkedIn. They offered him $160k and additional bonuses on successful project delivery.</p> <p>When he faced the interview, all the interviewers asked him about React and related questions. He also had to pass the problem-solving part.</p> <p>As a great developer, he passed all of them and started working for the company.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>