The Tool to Automate Your MacOS Developer SetUp.

<p>I don&#39;t know about you guys, but from time to time I like to clean all my files on my MacBook and start over. All my code is always up to date with ther respective github repos, this way starting over is just a matter of reinstalling and configuring all the software again.</p> <p>Most software nowadays saves all your configs on the cloud, so we just need to install them. Nevertheless that&#39;s no quick task. Being a developer I hate to waste time doing this stuff, so I researched a way to automate this. In this small article I would like to present you guys with my findings and my finished solution.</p> <h1>The Apps to be installed</h1> <p>Here is the list of software that I use, on daily basis, to either code or make my life easier.</p> <ul> <li>Homebrew</li> <li>iTerm2</li> </ul> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>