How to Become a Blockchain Developer in 2023

<p>Let&rsquo;s take the example of John Doe. John wants to become a blockchain developer. How will John do this? He will go on YouTube and watch countless tutorials, then he will go buy courses because his friend Chad said &ldquo;expensive things are always better&rdquo;, and then finally he will go spend 100s of $$$ on certifications. After having spent a fortune (and a lot of time) on platforms like Coursera and Udemy, John now can proudly say &ldquo;I am an MIT Harvard Stanford certified blockchain developer&rdquo;.</p> <p>Great! Or is it&hellip;? John started applying for entry-level blockchain developer jobs. To his surprise, nobody wanted to hire him. Most companies did not even get back to him! And those that did respond said that they were looking for someone who had some experience working on projects. Now, what should John do?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>