19 Developer Tools to Improve Your Workflow

<p>Working smart, not hard, has become more important than ever. As developers, we frequently find ourselves juggling tasks, debugging problems, and managing complex projects, which makes determining the best workflow a challenge.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve compiled a list of 19 developer tools that will help you code faster, collaborate more effectively, and handle any coding task that comes your way.</p> <p>From terminal utilities, API tools, and Git clients to Regex and Cron expressions, documentation tools, and snippet libraries, I tried to cover various areas.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve included direct links, descriptions, and visuals, so you can get an initial impression of each tool right away.</p> <h2>1.&nbsp;<a href="https://tunnel.dev/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Tunnel</a>&nbsp;(Sponsored)</h2> <p>The fastest way to bring your web app online, whether it&rsquo;s for your product manager to review or for a friend to check out. Perfect for previewing, testing, and leaving feedback on your application in seconds.</p> <p>It creates a sharable URL for your website that lets viewers see your local changes in real time and leave feedback using built-in collaboration tools displayed alongside your website preview.</p> <p>Get a preview URL with one terminal command and collaborate with hot reloading, live cursors, comments, video chat, and VSCode Live Share.</p> <p><a href="https://javascript.plainenglish.io/19-developer-tools-to-improve-your-workflow-86f560657bdb"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>