How to become an Android Developer — only good advice

<p>For the purpose of this article I&rsquo;ll assume that the reader has no connection to IT business or has no experience with any programming language.</p> <p>So, you want to change your career path and your life by becoming an Android Developer. I congratulate you! This is a very rewarding occupation with diverse assignments and a non-stop learning process. But where should you start and is that programming thing even for you? I&rsquo;ll try to answer these questions from my personal experience and stories I overheard during my time in the IT business.</p> <h1>Is that really your thing?</h1> <p>First of all &mdash; is it for you? The short answer: yes. The long one: &ldquo;it depends&rdquo;. &nbsp;Yes, you&rsquo;ll be getting that a lot from your colleagues. It depends on what kind of person you are. It is always great to work with a nice, easy-going person that doesn&rsquo;t succumb to stressful situations. But having said that I&rsquo;ve also worked with people swearing left and right whenever something went wrong and they were all good programmers. Since we&rsquo;re on the topic of things going wrong &mdash; and they will go wrong frequently &mdash; one of the most important things is not to be discouraged by failures. This comes especially handy when debugging a problem and also when you&rsquo;ll be looking for the first job as junior Android Developer. So, patience is not only a virtue but also a necessity in this occupation. You need to have some degree of stress tolerance. On the contrary to common belief, a developer&rsquo;s work is not always smooth sailing. There will be many features which won&rsquo;t work and deploys that will fail on production. You need to deliver a working solution while error reports will pile up all around you.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>