ChatGPT for Developer Productivity

<p>In today&rsquo;s world of software engineering, crafting tests has become a vital companion to writing code. This is due to the rapid pace at which code evolves, especially within agile development methods. With practices like shared code ownership and continuous integration, automated test cases play a crucial role. They not only ensure that all existing code functions correctly, aligning with the developers&rsquo; intentions, but also serve as guides when passing on the code to fellow developers for future work. The dual responsibilities of creating functional code and its corresponding tests must match the speed of innovation and the accelerating release cycles.</p> <p>However, the race to decrease lead time &mdash; measured from when a task is selected for work to its actual release &mdash; cannot be won solely by churning out more code at a faster rate. The solution lies in automating repetitive tasks. This smarter approach paves the way for efficiency, allowing more time and effort to be directed towards innovation and other value-added activities.</p> <p><strong>Taking a Deeper look</strong></p> <p>When a user story is picked up by a developer from the sprint backlog, the first thing looked at from an analysis perspective is the Acceptance criteria. Code for the feature should be written in such a way that the acceptance criteria are met all the time. Frameworks such as Cucumber can help to automate Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) code, which helps to assert that the newly written code is meeting the acceptance criteria. This is all good. However, starting to write these tests from a blank slate requires effort and sometimes includes that effort of finding similar code to customise for the current task. What if we could search for a template to get started and move ahead more quickly?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>