Women Developer Academy Europe 2023 — My Experience

<p>The program had 2&ndash;3 evening sessions each week. The topics for the meetings were about public speaking, applying to conferences, online branding, and many other related topics. Many of those topics were familiar, as I&rsquo;ve spoken at many conferences, but I also learned new things.</p> <p>For me, living in the eastern side of Europe in Finland, these meetings started at seven in the evening. It&rsquo;s not an optimal time for someone who is definitely a morning person, and needs their wind-down time in the evening. But I was so happy that we got the sessions as recordings and could watch them later!</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@eevajonna/women-developer-academy-europe-2023-my-experience-f0dcd7093d17"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>