5 Bash String Manipulation Methods That Help Every Developer

<p>Bash became every Unix-like or Unix-based operating system&rsquo;s default automation language. Every system administrator, DevOps engineer, and programmer typically uses Bash to write shell scripts with repetitive command sequences. Bash scripts typically contain commands that run other program binaries. In most scenarios, we may have to process data and create a logical flow within the shell script. So, we often have to add conditional and text manipulation statements in our shell scripts.</p> <p>Traditional Bash scripts and past programmers who used older Bash interpreter versions typically used&nbsp;<code>awk</code>,&nbsp;<code>sed</code>,&nbsp;<code>tr</code>, and&nbsp;<code>cut</code>&nbsp;commands for text manipulation. These are separate programs. Even though these text processing programs offer good features, they slow down your Bash script since each particular command has a considerable process spawn-up time. Modern Bash versions offer inbuilt text processing features via the well-known parameter expansion feature.</p> <p>In this story, I&rsquo;ll explain some inbuilt string manipulation syntaxes you can use to process text productively in your Bash scripts.</p> <p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/5-bash-string-manipulation-methods-that-help-every-developer-49d4ee38b593"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>