How to get clients while being a freelance web developer?

<p>Everybody wants to make money, right? There are many web developers out there who have a lot of experience in doing side projects but can&rsquo;t pull clients. This article is exactly for those people.</p> <p>However, if you are a person who has been doing web development for just 3&ndash;4 months only, then I would suggest you not to rush the process and jump straight into clients. Take it slow, learn, research, invest more time into the hobby, and then see if you actually like the process or not, and only then decide whether you are ready to develop a website for a client/business.</p> <p>Remember this, don&rsquo;t work for money, instead work for your passion. This may not apply to everyone but just a&nbsp;motto&nbsp;I follow.</p> <h1>Upwork</h1> <p><img alt="Upwork logo" src="*RsNNNJf5tFWl2NV2.png" style="height:414px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Upwork is one of the best freelancing platforms I&rsquo;ve ever come across. You got a section to find freelancers as well as freelancing offers based on your skill. You can view how much money your client has paid to other freelancers, what projects they&rsquo;ve worked on, etc.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>