Stop being an “insert-framework/language” Developer

<p>Regardless of how long you have been in tech, you must have come across or been a &ldquo;React Developer&rdquo;, &ldquo;Python Developer&rdquo;, &ldquo;C# Developer&rdquo;, and so on. Everyone starts somewhere, and once we find our niche/comfort zone, we tend to not leave it. As humans we are hesitant to embrace change, and that sadly turns out to be the worst quality to have as a developer/engineer (Please do not turn the comments into a war about Developer vs Engineer, this article isn&rsquo;t about that).</p> <p>And yes, I am the same guy who wrote&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">this article about learning just 2 languages and being good for your entire career.</a>&nbsp;The point of the article, still stands, for 90% of the kind of products out there, you could stick to JavaScript (TypeScript please) and Python, and do most of the things, and bring out the special sauce when really required. Having said that, I have learnt a lot since then, and that is why this article now exists.</p> <p>Before we begin, let me provide a small anecdote that will help you understand why I am writing this article.</p> <p>I initially started with Python and then moved to JavaScript, and during that time, I worked with Django, Flask, FastAPI and moved to ExpressJS and even NestJS. So I had seen and worked with libraries that came with batteries included as well as those that were barebones.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>