Tag: Work

Elevating Your Work Setup

We explore the SideTrak Swivel HD Portable Monitor, an innovative laptop companion that promises to enhance your productivity on the go. Intoday’s fast-paced world, staying productive while on the move is essential. Whether you’re a digital nomad, a student, or a professional constant...

The 10 Most Common Types of Work Meetings (and How to Run Them Well)

Which meetings do you have coming up? How will you ensure that your next meeting is a success? Most of us have a love-hate relationship with meetings. We get frustrated with how much time they take up but also appreciate that meetings, at some level, are important. So, if we are going to commit t...

Ready Worker One: Is VR the missing piece in your work-from-home setup?

It would be ideal to work from home all the time, many of us thought, until we had to do it. For me, like many, it almost worked well. The space I had for my home office was almost big enough. But the desk was too shallow, and so my monitor was always just a little too ...

Your Life Is Built By What You Do After Your Work Hours

Your work does add value to your life. But not that much. Especially if you are young, your life is mostly built by what you do after your work hours. We work for 6 to 8 hours everyday. If I exclude the sleep time, we still have 8 hours of FREE time left. That time has insane amount of p...

Why I Prefer To Work a 9–5 (I Hope You Should Too!)

Just like you, I too think of this many times What if I am fired from the job or in any ways I lose my job? Also, for how long I will work like this in 9–5? Why Can’t I have a life like other creators, free from the pressure? I am not saying you also must be in favor of 9&nda...

The Art of Looking Busy When You Have Nothing to Do at Work

You show up to work, settle in at your desk, open your email and…there’s nothing urgent demanding your attention. No new tasks or projects on your plate. Your calendar looks wide open. Uh oh. Now what? Cue the panic as you frantically scroll through old emails and tidy up...

Maybe Attaining Work-Life Balance Isn’t the Best Goal for You

At one point several years into my General Counsel role for an S&P 500 public company, I wrote three letters up on my whiteboard. They were to serve as my guideposts for the rest of my career. The letters were these: F H W. My boss came in one day and asked “What’re those?&rdqu...

How to Become the Type of Manager You Would Want to Work For

I started at the very bottom rung of Amazon. I was known as a Seasonal Tier 1 (aka a “White Badge”). When I started, I didn’t even officially work for Amazon — I was only hired for Peak 2017 through a temp agency. I had to apply to become a Tier 1 at Amazon (a “Blu...

Your Life Is Built By What You Do After Your Work Hours

Your work does add value to your life. But not that much. Especially if you are young, your life is mostly built by what you do after your work hours. We work for 6 to 8 hours everyday. If I exclude the sleep time, we still have 8 hours of FREE time left. That time has insane amount of p...

The 10 Most Common Types of Work Meetings (and How to Run Them Well)

Which meetings do you have coming up? How will you ensure that your next meeting is a success? Most of us have a love-hate relationship with meetings. We get frustrated with how much time they take up but also appreciate that meetings, at some level, are important. So, if we are going to commit t...

22 List-Writing Ideas to Transform Your Work and Make You More Badass

Lists are highly cool. There is something thrilling about lists. You feel all rad, and organised and diligent when you write them. They help narrow your thoughts. Scratching down notes like a mad scientist is enlivening. A list’s endless scope, coupled with the power of their li...

AI is Killing Remote Work

In 2020 and 2021, many a breathless think-piece was written about the Future of Work. The Old World was never coming back, and we all had to adapt to the reality forced upon use by COVID, or be left behind. Visions tended to vary, but most agreed: Work from Home was here to stay. How co...

Can Anyone Get Rich if They Work Hard Enough?

People have different understandings of “getting rich” and “working hard.” Some individuals associate wealth with the ability to drive high-end cars like Audi and Mercedes with no minimal effort. After a while, these people put their lives into autopilot mode and...

Your Life Is Built By What You Do After Your Work Hours

Your work does add value to your life. But not that much. Especially if you are young, your life is mostly built by what you do after your work hours. We work for 6 to 8 hours everyday. If I exclude the sleep time, we still have 8 hours of FREE time left. That time has insane amount of p...

We’re Waking Up A (Tiny) Bit To The 9-To-5 Lie And How Much People Really Work

If you’re doing quick math at home, that means a lot of well-compensated “knowledge” workers are probably working 20–24 hours/week and getting paid for 40, which makes already-affluent white, middle-class executives pout like teenage girls who got cut from Varsity Volleyball....

I Work 9–5. I Write Most Days. Here’s How I Do It.

I came across a comment on one of my articles. I stopped for a while. Pondered this thought. And hours later it came back to me, I loved the honesty of it. Because it’s true, isn’t it? Quite simply, most things you try don’t work. But if we stop here for just a minute and refram...

A Few Personal Aphorisms on Work

If you have the opportunity to make the life of a colleague easier, make sure you do so. It’s called work, not the Annual Witchcraft Championship. If you treat yourself like a loser, you will be treated like a loser at work. You set the yardstick. Credit to Nassim Nicholas Taleb. W...

Well, Well, Well, I’d Say Remote Work Has Failed

I sometimes (OK, a lot of the time) troll Medium for article ideas. Because some of my greatest articles are someone else’s clickbait title plus an article that actually delivers on the clickbait title. It’s not the worst way to write an article. The title works, that’s why you cli...

Work Smarter, Save Harder: Genius Ways to Reduce Work Expenses

Dealing with your resources truly is major for accomplishing cash related security and getting a handle on your unnecessarily lengthy monetary targets. While having a reliable remuneration is point of truth a fundamental piece of the situation, finding empowering cash saving tips while at work can c...

What’s Keeping You at Work?

I moved away from home in my early twenties to take what I thought was a promising job in another state, one thousand miles away. Since that first venture, I’ve moved a number of times to various cities — all for my career. When I would come home for big holidays with all the aunts an...

The World of Work Is Tricky, So Why Not Treat It like an Adventure?

Over the years, I’ve had many different jobs and tried many different things. Some of them, I’ve naturally liked more than others. Some were easier than others, and some had aspects that fit well with me and my personality, but other aspects didn’t. It’s been a process ...

Not the Boss? Try These Tips to Foster a Sense of Belonging at Work

Belonging at work is an essential part of employee wellbeing. Employees who feel like they are part of a team, respected, and appreciated by their coworkers and supervisors, are more likely to be productive and successful. Here are five things you can do as a coworker to help your coworker feel t...

Good moods, great work

“You could foster happiness and add to our joy — or sow hurt and discord. It’s a choice that you make each day, each hour, and with each thought” (Cathy Marie Hake) When employees feel that they can contribute meaningfully, when they feel valued and thus feel good abo...

The Art of Leaving Work Early: A Step-by-Step Guide

I’m not a good employee; I’m a great employee. Or at least that’s what I’ve been told. My days are spent balancing the company’s needs, brainstorming work solutions, and exploring options that others may be too terrified to explore. I have no problem voicing ...

Tired of tension at work?

In our workplace relationships, we may often find ourselves playing a role-even if we don’t realise it at the time. Perhaps some of these scenarios sound familiar: One of your team members gets stuck, so you step in to help them and provide a solution. Forces outside your control, like...

A Weird Way To Nail Difficult Conversations At Work

This quote is the premise behind Nathan Fielder’s HBO show “The Rehearsal,” where he helps individuals through difficult conversations or situations by having them rehearse over and over in settings that he constructs to mimic the real world. It’s a bit out there, but...

Please Don’t Invite Me to Another Pointless Work Meeting

When you become a manager of people, there’s always someone who will emphasize that with great power comes great responsibility, as if they’re dropping some novel wisdom on you (and not cribbing from Spider-Man comics). However true this may be, there’s an actual bit of useful...

The Power of Async: Introverts’ Haven in the New Work Paradigm

We invite people to a meeting so their intellect and perspective can be included in problem-solving and decision-making. In practice, many meetings fail to effectively engage key voices. This HBR article summarized: “Only 35% said they felt able to make a contribution all the time&he...

Remote Work Essentials: One-on-ones

Camille Fournier, author of “The Manager’s Path” emphasizes the importance of one-on-one meetings, also referred to as one-on-ones. These meetings help foster a strong working relationship with your direct manager. They provide ample opportunity to discuss goal setting, performance...

Unlocking Creativity through Asynchronous Work

In the first of my topics on teams and productivity, I asked ChatGPT to talk about Asynchronous Meetings. In follow-up discussions, some of asked about what it means to be asynchronous more generally. In the post below, I asked more about the relationship between asynchronous ways of communi...

Zuzhi (Public Org Charts for DAO and Future of Work)

Zuzhi, shining a light on the unsung heroes behind businesses’ closed doors, is building a network of public org charts for employees and envisions a future of work with transparent organizations. The bonus? Stronger recruiting, B2B sales, and, fingers crossed, deal flow. Founder ...

How to walk into a museum and write about a work of art — one way.

You walk into a museum or a gallery from a busy street. You walk around to choose and to write about one work of art for instance, White Center by Mark Rothko, dated 1957. Mark Rothko, White Center, Oil on canvas, 84 x 72 in. (213.36 x 182.88 cm), 1957 You are now standing in fro...

How to walk into a museum and write about a work of art — one way.

You walk into a museum or a gallery from a busy street. You walk around to choose and to write about one work of art for instance, White Center by Mark Rothko, dated 1957. Mark Rothko, White Center, Oil on canvas, 84 x 72 in. (213.36 x 182.88 cm), 1957 You are now standing in fro...

Work Management and My Internship Experience with ASE Lab

During my internship, I was assigned to the Game Development Division as an Audio Composer in a team where we were 5 members. The team was constituted of 4 roles: one Game Designer, two Programmers, one Game Artist, and one Audio Composer. Together we were assigned a project to make a remake of a po...

What is the potential of augmented reality to change the way we work and play?

Augmented reality (AR) is going to enhance our perception of the real world with computer-generated information. The potential applications of augmented reality will transform many aspects of our lives, including how we learn, work, communicate, and even shop. In the workplace, AR can improve produc...

I Risked My Life to Work at Nintendo

I have identified as a gamer since childhood. In fact, I was born the same year as the release of the Nintendo Entertainment System and have owned all of Nintendo’s flagship consoles except, of course, the Virtual Boy. Unfortunately, the term “gamer” has taken on a lot of baggage o...

Work Manager — Android Interview Question

What is WorkManager, and what problem does it solve in Android development? WorkManager is a part of Android Jetpack that simplifies and manages background tasks in Android applications. It provides a consistent and efficient way to schedule and execute tasks in the background, ensuring t...

Why I need Apple in my work

There’s no question that I’ve been an Apple loyalist since I was young. And the photo above was taken in 2020 where I started to write for my own time and at the same time working on a project that I thought would be a big thing back then. Macbook Air was my very first Mac laptop and rem...

Cleaning Wood Work in Abu Dhabi and Dubai

The best Cleaning woodwork company in Abu Dhabi and Dubai can be pretty tedious, but you need to keep your living spaces clean and breathable. Every home has its share of wooden objects and cabinets, and like everything else, they get dirty over time. Cabinets are an essential part of the home becau...

German work visa for Non-EU citizens

It’s not that difficult to obtain official permission to live and work in Germany if you’re a skilled non-EU citizen with a job offer from a local company. In general, there is no so-called “visa sponsorship” in Germany. If a company is ready to offer a candidate a job con...

Getting your German work visa

A work visa gives you the right to enter Germany for the purpose of starting work. This is not your average tourist visa. Here is what you need to do to get the visa: Make an appointment at the German embassy (example: Cairo) or consulate. Immediately. Book the appointment for a nati...

Buenos Aires for Digital Nomads: The Ultimate Guide to an Affordable and Inspiring Remote Work Destination

Are you a digital nomad in search of the perfect city to live and work remotely? Look no further than Buenos Aires, the vibrant capital of Argentina. In this article, we will explore five compelling facts that make Buenos Aires an enticing destination for digital nomads. From its breathtaking beauty...

Our Dear Buenos Aires: Marriage, Work and Children

As soon as I came back from our third trip to Buenos Aires I started to look for a way to live abroad longer than a vacation time. I discovered that there was a three months leave for cultural and technical improvement of Federal public employees. At the beginning I wondered how I could study Englis...

A few things I miss about flying the world for work.

I randomly found myself on YouTube watching a few videos from ex and current cabin crew. One video in particular stood out to me, you can watch the video here if you are interested: My Life As A Flight Attendant | Days off in Dubai | Emirates Cabin Crew Vlog — YouTube and made me tea...

Work from Turkey: Your Digital Nomad Guide for Istanbul!

Istanbul is my beloved city, I was living there since 10 years! It amazes me every time how it is beautiful, big and historical. You can get lost in amazing streets, you can enjoy the sunset in front of magical Bosphorus and taste delicious foods. As an expat or digital nomad it is cheaper to live t...

How do Turkish Airlines Business Class Upgrades work?

This article is about Turkish Airlines Business Class upgrades with miles or vouchers, not including paid airport upgrades, some of which are offered on demand. With miles, the logic behind Turkish Airlines is incredibly simple, because unlike Lufthansa & Co, you can upgrade every booking class ...

094/731–20 Nov 2023 ) First work abroad

This was my first day working not only in the UK but also abroad. When I was in Japan, I worked from home from February 2022 to this July. So this was the first time to commute since the winter of 2022. My commuting duration is approximately an hour, taking on the tubes for about 50 minutes and t...

Where to actually study/work in Madrid

While looking for similar lists, I have found that many seem to only list very aesthetically pleasing places that aren’t as pleased with laptop users. So after 2 years in Madrid, I have thought to share some of my favorite places to do some serious studying (or not so serious). This list prior...

I tried 25 bowls of the best ramen in New York City on a work trip. Here they are.

I’m a guy based in Singapore. Earlier this year, I got sent to New York City on a work trip for a few months. Now I didn’t mind the occasional bowl of good ramen back in the day, but as I moved away from the sweltering tropical humidity of Singapore to the biting-cold winters of Manha...

Work in Progress: Mais où sont les neiges d’anten?

Rio de Janeiro is a city that is as easy to love as Paris. Although I am now returned to Portland after my two and a half weeks in Brazil, the enchantment of Rio has not yet fully worn off, and I hope to carry it with me for as long as I can hang on to it — preferably until I can return, altho...

James Murphy on working better: “It’s all about the balance of teamwork and individual work”

My role is to make sure Dropbox is a technical fit for customers. So it’s really nice when we work with a non-profit or charity that is using Dropbox for good, and it’s helping them make the world a better place! Sydney team volunteering at TwoGood Q: Why did you decide to...

How To Work From Home (And not go crazy)

Working from home can be isolating. It can also impact your productivity. Here are a few important steps I take everyday to ensure I don’t de-evolve into a caveman. Find Yourself A City: Certain cities are more conducive to freelancing than others. I find Tel Aviv to be the world...

How to make a 3 hour commute work ?

The statistical term that the US Census Bureau uses for someone like me who commutes as long as I do (>90 min) and as far as I do (>50 miles)is ‘Mega Commuter’. There is a hierarchy to the terminology on commuters and the Mega Commuter is as bad as it can get (I have to a...

The Complete Guide to Understanding Personal Injury Lawyers’ Crucial Work: Unveiling Their Power!

Take a tour of the field of personal injury law, an important area of criminal law that focuses on paying those who have suffered from bodily, psychological, or emotional harm as a result of the carelessness of others. Prestige Law explores the complexities of this area of law where damages may be i...

Yosemite Work Week — 2023

This years program was very similar to last year; however, the locations and activities performed were different. Apart from the interactions with the amazing group of volunteers and delicious meals cooked at the campsite, I also got opportunity to swim in 3 different water bodies within Yosemite Na...

My Life Between Work and Pleasure or Between the Ground and the Skies

A friend just texted me asking if we were working as well here in New Zealand as she only gets to see hiking pictures from us on social media. We do work as well, for sure but I don’t share much of that online. The reason why we took this job down under was because we wanted to explore the ...

Yosemite Work Week — 2023

This years program was very similar to last year; however, the locations and activities performed were different. Apart from the interactions with the amazing group of volunteers and delicious meals cooked at the campsite, I also got opportunity to swim in 3 different water bodies within Yosemite Na...

Let Volatility Work For You

Dictionaries have various definitions for the word volatile, or volatility. One of them might be, “easily evaporated at normal temperatures”. If you took chemistry in high school or college, that definition, no doubt, would carry great meaning to you. Note how this eludes to a liquid tha...

Let Volatility Work For You

Dictionaries have various definitions for the word volatile, or volatility. One of them might be, “easily evaporated at normal temperatures”. If you took chemistry in high school or college, that definition, no doubt, would carry great meaning to you. Note how this eludes to a liquid tha...

Get Paid $75+ Per Hour Just Watching TikTok Videos: 3 Methods That Actually Work

You’d never guess money-making potential exists tucked between TikTok’s endless scroll of dancing dogs and comedy sketches. But cashing checks simply screening viral vids ranks completely possible...in fact, profitable hourly rates meet or exceed professional wages! This post unveils ...

Recognizing Work and Commitment in Improving Health in New Mexico

Twila Rutter has had a unique and varied perspective of health in New Mexico — writing health grants for Curry County, coordinating the local Maternal Child Health Council, working at a home health care agency, overseeing health-care contracts, and serving as a dedicated volunteer of Con Alma ...

Empowering Lives: The Transformational Role of Remote Work and Work-Life Balance

In a world that never sleeps, where the boundary between work and personal life becomes increasingly blurred, the pursuit of work-life balance has become not just a wish but a necessity. It’s a pursuit that carries tremendous weight, both for the individual seeking fulfillment and for the orga...

100% Retirement From Active Work Can Lead To Early Death

1. Loss of Purpose and Identity: When we retire, a significant part of our identity often revolves around our work. Complete retirement can result in a loss of purpose, leading to feelings of emptiness and, in some cases, depression. Maintaining a sense of purpose through continued engagement in ...

I Wish My Old Work Colleagues Would Retire

I retired from practicing law at 69. I had planned to work until 70, but the pandemic made work a pain in the ass. I had enough money to retire and began to wonder, more and more, as I sat in the office an hour before anyone else arrived, why I was still doing it. I was at my desk when Henry Fall...

Old People and Work Jokes That Are So Funny You’ll Pee Your Pants

An elderly couple were attending a church service. About halfway through the wife leans over to her husband and says, “I just let out a silent fart, what do you think I should do?” He replies, “Put a new battery in your hearing aid.” Job interview: A guy goes in for...

Access to Work if you have ADHD

Over the past year since becoming self-employed, I have learned a lot and experienced many firsts. One of those was researching and applying for the support I may be able to receive, which included using Access to Work. When applying for Access to Work as a self-employed individual...

15 Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) Slack Communities to Follow if you Work in Tech

Communities in slack are steadily growing day over day, boasting 44+ million daily active users across the globe! Especially in this time of remote work and social distancing, Slack helps small and large teams improve their productivity by acting as a hub of communication and transparent information...

Embracing Diversity in Tech: AppExert’s Inclusive Work Environment

Diversity enriches our workspace with fresh perspectives, unique experiences, and a vibrant tapestry of skills. It’s the driving force behind our innovation and creativity, ensuring we leave no stone unturned in our quest for excellence. AppExert understands that true inclusivity extends fa...

Collaborative Persistence in Racial Justice & Equity Work

On June 29, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) formally rejected affirmative action at colleges and universities. Affirmative action has played a critical role in helping correct racial injustices and inequalities by ensuring equitable access to higher education for Black, Latinx,...

“Bringing Your Whole Self to Work”: An Imperative for Today’s Workplace?

At the heart of our company, Simple Technology Solutions (STS), lies the principle of being ‘People Centric.’ Our strength is our people, and the value they provide for our customers. When our customers appreciate our workforce, our narrative, and our service, we flourish. If not, we nee...

Women in the Royal Air Force Expose a Culture of Sexual Harassment at Work

Idon’t ever remember signing an employment contract with a clause in it asking me to endure any kind of sexual harassment at work. What about you? The women of the British RAF (Royal Air Force) have found themselves in a situation where sexual harassment comes with the role, is a commo...

Please Stop Opening the Kimono at Work

Why? Because it’s a culturally outdated expression that is racist, misogynistic, and also super creepy. As an Asian American woman, I really feel like I shouldn’t have to explain this, but I have heard this expression casually dropped in business conversation several times in the past...

Showing Up Fully Me at Work

I decided to make a verbal proclamation whenever needed to ensure everyone understands how I’m showing up. It shouldn’t be a big deal but I’m learning it is. When share my proclamation, I see the entire white around the pupil of the listener’s eyes by the time I finish my ...

The First Step to An Inclusive Work Culture: Getting Your Colleagues’ Names Right

In December 2021, I attended my first work holiday party since 2019. I was enthusiastic to finally mingle and meet new people. (I couldn’t remember the last time I had done that). One of the guests approached me and introduced themselves. Upon learning I am Egyptian American, they fondly share...

Autism at Work: 10 years Young!

It was May 2013. Vivaan was 4 years old. I had just transitioned from my role as Managing Director of SAP Labs to Head of Globalization Services in Bengaluru. The press release that I had drafted for SAPPHIRE about the “Autism at Work” program had gone viral. SAP’s announ...

Energy work: often not a “one-and-done” scenario.

This is my experience, but also the experience of many others that I am in communication with that are doing this work.. When I have you on my schedule for a session or a reading, I am not just in your energy for that moment in time when I have you down on my schedule.. time is very fluid and it&...

How energy healing actually works

It’s the difference between learning how to play chess through practice, and learning by reading a book on chess techniques. Techniques are useless without practice, but at some point once you’ve got the feel for it, you can drastically improve your game by learning technique. These tech...

Pregnancy is Dangerous, Debilitating, and Costly Unpaid Work

Why hadn’t I understood that before? I’ve been pregnant four times and birthed three children. I’ve experienced the dangers and hardships first hand. I should have put 2 and 2 together. But I didn’t. Because the cultural zeitgeist cloaks pregnancy in an aura of holiness. P...

Politics: Left and Right No Longer Work

Like many others, in recent months, I have discovered that neither left nor right define who I am politically anymore. In previous years — about half a century go — it was simple. If you believed that workers should have a greater piece of the pie, you were on the left, and if you were o...

Immigration, Corruption, Work

It was a beautiful place, the city where I held my last job, amazing schools and open-minded, intelligent people. One of the best cities in the U.S. But my well-paid job was destroyed by the underlying corruption. My time at home was only for sleeping, as I worked hard , believing it was the onl...

Don’t Leave Just Yet: What to Do if You’ve Been Laid Off on a Closed Work Permit

With growing economic pressures causing global tech companies to initiate mass layoffs, thousands of workers in Canada are now newly job-less and out looking for a new employer. However, for Canadian temporary foreign workers with a closed work permit, this process comes with a few extra steps. C...

Why would you want to work in Poland? and what are its benefits?

There are many strong reasons why should you work in Poland, here are some great reasons why should start your dream career. Strong Economy: Poland’s economy has grown a lot in the past few years, which makes it an attractive place to look for work. The country’s economy is diverse...

Immigrants are Coming to Get What We Stole

I was born into extreme privilege Not into extreme wealth, my parents came from nothing and my father’s work ethic elevated us to upper-middle-class, but the prevalence of white privilege in the southern African country gave him endless opportunities to do so. I wanted for nothing as a c...

Please Stop Opening the Kimono at Work

Why? Because it’s a culturally outdated expression that is racist, misogynistic, and also super creepy. As an Asian American woman, I really feel like I shouldn’t have to explain this, but I have heard this expression casually dropped in business conversation several times in the past...

I Got Called a Racist at Work

Some days ago, I was talking to a coworker I will call Ken. Ken is Chinese American, though that doesn’t matter, not to me anyway. Up until now, I had assumed we were friends. Despite hailing from conservative Oklahoma, Ken leans hard to the left politically. I didn’t know just how much,...

Taxation without Representation: How Being the Only Black Male Social Worker at a Predominately White Agency Constitutes a Hostile Work Environment

I am the only black male social worker at my job. I do not see myself represented within the space I work. This has led me to feeling extremely isolated and alone. I have addressed these feelings by joining online Facebook groups dedicated to black male social workers, researching seminars and works...

Oppenheimer’s forgotten astrophysics work explains why black holes exist

The 1930s were a fascinating and contentious time: both on the global stage and for the science of nuclear physics. Economically, the great depression led to increases in unemployment, dramatic dropoffs in global industrial production, foreign trade, per-capita GDP, and a rising ...

What makes a drug work? Understanding “Receptors” (I)

Imagine you take a pill when you have a headache (perhaps like now when you are trying to understand some pharmacology lol). What happens after you swallow it? How does the pill reduce your headache from your digestive tract to the site of action? Definition/Nature of a drug “In the most...

How Would an Artificial Womb Work?

The idea of an artificial womb sounds like science fiction; it conjures up dystopian thoughts of The Matrix. But this technology isn’t as distant as it might seem — and the United States Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is considering, in its late September 2023 meeting, how an ...

How Does Forgiveness Work?

Inthe fall of 2009, I stood at my stepmother’s hospital bed as she slowly died from late-stage breast cancer. I told her that I loved her and thanked her for being a grandmother to my two children. That was the last time I saw her. A few months later, I found out that she’d created a sec...

Does the universe work like a TARDIS?

I’m not sure where it came from originally. This one was posted by the prolific Cliff Pickover without credit. The interesting thing about this problem is that, as the description says, it can be solved with only a pre-schooler’s knowledge. The apparent complexity hides a deeper simpl...

The New Hire’s Take On Work-Life Balance Is So Extreme — I’ve No Idea How To Respond

The project was in deep sh!t. My team lead needed all hands on deck. I did not fight back. Of course, that was 2008. It was an era when jobs evaporated faster than you can spell the word jobs. And so, I worked. New hires today seem to operate and think differently. Learn More

How does science work? It’s all about clones!

Let’s arm wrestle! To prepare, you drink a dram of Strength Potion (TM) while I drink filtered water. Then you defeat me without breaking a sweat. You won because of the potion, right? Nope, we’d offend science itself if we jumped to that conclusion. After all, we’re different p...

AI and the Future of Museum Work

These days, I engage with a lot of programming about AI and the future of work. These discussions tend to focus on industry and government work. Somewhat overlooked (as of now) is the idea artificial intelligence technologies have a lot to offer to nonprofits of all kinds. Museums — places ...

Creating New Data Scientists in the Age of Remote Work

Today’s column is partly about data science, but it’s also about the sociology of work. As a senior practitioner in the field, I started my data science career long before Covid-19 and the radical shift in the way we work today developed. I started my professional career years before eve...

We Need to Rethink Work

Over the decades, it seems that generational opinion towards work has shifted. Baby Boomers tend to stick with the same company their whole lives, and valued hard work above many other things. Gen Xers seem to value more work-life balance than their parents and also look for c...

Title: Remote Work Trends and the Future of Work

The landscape of work has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, with remote work emerging as a dominant trend. Accelerated by technological advancements and global events like the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has become increasingly prevalent across various industries. As we look...

OOTD: Heavy Work at Home Day

Yesterday, I drove 90-minutes to Erie to take my youngest daughter to the orthodontist. She’s already had braces. Two and half years and $8000 worth of them. But she’s done growing now and her teeth shifted. More braces. Poor kid. She had an underbite when she was younger and has nigh...

OOTD: Heavy Work at Home Day

First of all — I’m cleaning this mirror TODAY. Geez. I actually really love this outfit. I like the pattern mixing. The jeans fit perfectly. I’m on a mission to wear all of the clothes I’m holding on to, so I was really glad to figure out how to style this jacket. I’...

OOTD: Work at Home Days

I like this sweatshirt though. The length is perfect. the arms are long enough, the neckline is nice and open. It’s my second base color (so my brown.) I think it looked nice on my Zoom calls today. It’s oversized without being languid or messy. This is an incredibly basic outfit f...

Balancing Work and Learning a New Language like French? How?

So, you’ve decided to embark on the exciting journey of immigrating to France/ Canada, and you want to add a touch of sophistication to your linguistic repertoire by learning French, right? Bienvenue au club ! As a software engineer who’s been there, done that, and can now discuss ...