My Life Between Work and Pleasure or Between the Ground and the Skies

<p>A friend just texted me asking if we were working as well here in New Zealand as she only gets to see hiking pictures from us on social media. We do work as well, for sure but I don&rsquo;t share much of that online.</p> <p>The reason why we took this job down under was because we wanted to explore the country. And that is what we do in every single free minute. We love the great outdoors and this is where you will find us most of the time.</p> <p>I was writing in&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">last week&#39;s photo-a-day challenge</a>&nbsp;of our first overnight hiking trip to the Matukituki River. On our second morning in the valley, we woke to blue skies and sunshine and enjoyed our coffee (David), tea (me) and porridge while overlooking the crystal clear river down below.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Work Pleasure