Taxation without Representation: How Being the Only Black Male Social Worker at a Predominately White Agency Constitutes a Hostile Work Environment

<p>I am the only black male social worker at my job. I do not see myself represented within the space I work. This has led me to feeling extremely isolated and alone. I have addressed these feelings by joining online Facebook groups dedicated to black male social workers, researching seminars and workshops that cater to black men in social work and also have sought out meetup groups with other like-minded black male social workers. Sad to say these efforts have not yielded gratifying fruit as many times the interactions are sparse to non-existent. The seminars offered are few and far between and the meetups are tragically outdated due to the rising cases of COVID-19 and also the wilting motivation to maintain such spaces as a result of fatigue and social exhaustion. Such realities leave me feeling shipwrecked and lost at sea. I am still hungry for spaces where people look and sound like me but unfortunately, I have not been able to locate such spaces.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>