Well, Well, Well, I’d Say Remote Work Has Failed

<p>I sometimes (OK, a lot of the time) troll Medium for article ideas. Because some of my greatest articles are someone else&rsquo;s clickbait title plus an article that actually delivers on the clickbait title. It&rsquo;s not the worst way to write an article. The title works, that&rsquo;s why you clicked on it. I used this technique to write about why&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/lost-but-coding/software-engineers-are-in-denial-about-chatgpt-34763b35e6ac" rel="noopener">Software Engineers are in denial about ChatGPT</a>. Although these sort of articles don&rsquo;t come around too often.</p> <p>On today&rsquo;s Medium scrolling session I couldn&rsquo;t help but notice a lot of posts about remote work. Has it worked? Has it not? It&rsquo;s quite controversial. There are posts both for and against. Like&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/illumination/remote-workers-no-longer-hold-the-power-go-back-to-office-e92eb5b967c9" rel="noopener">this one</a>. Although now that I read it again maybe it&rsquo;s not actually anti-remote work.</p> <blockquote> <p>When Elon Musk bought Twitter, he found the company in shambles. Most of Twitter&rsquo;s employees were working remotely, and the company was losing $4 million daily. Twitter employees weren&rsquo;t productive or creative, so Musk gave them the same two options he gave his Tesla employees, &ldquo;If you do not return to the office, you cannot remain at the company. End of story.&rdquo;</p> <p>That was the end of the story for many of Twitter&rsquo;s employees, Musk fired anyone who refused to show up at the office, and his company is more productive and innovative than ever.</p> </blockquote> <p>Do you want to be productive and innovative like everyone&rsquo;s favourite company Twitter under Elon Musk? Then kill remote work.</p> <p>And then there are posts that acknowledge that remote work has failed but don&rsquo;t know why exactly. This one says how it&rsquo;s all&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/predict/ai-is-killing-remote-work-5ab2c843fa5f" rel="noopener">AI&rsquo;s fault</a>. Oh, yes, the blame it all on AI trope. AI is so unfairly vilified. Every mistake AI can make a human can also make. You wouldn&rsquo;t make fun of a human for making mistakes. But if it&rsquo;s AI it&rsquo;s suddenly OK. I wrote about it in my&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/@impure/copyright-infringement-is-a-relative-term-258880ec488e" rel="noopener">AI copyright article</a>.</p> <p><a href="https://andrewzuo.com/well-well-well-id-say-remote-work-has-failed-476fefcb76c1"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Remote Work