Can Anyone Get Rich if They Work Hard Enough?

<p>People have different understandings of &ldquo;getting rich&rdquo; and &ldquo;working hard.&rdquo;</p> <p>Some individuals associate&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">wealth</a>&nbsp;with the ability to drive high-end cars like Audi and Mercedes with no minimal effort. After a while, these people put their lives into autopilot mode and enjoy the American dream, aka life&rsquo;s luxuries.</p> <p>However, some people want a mix of hard work and luxury, while some are solely inclined towards hard work. I&rsquo;m the second kind, and I believe that whatever effort I put into things has nothing to do with working hard.</p> <p>But the question remains for the three personalities:&nbsp;<strong>can you get rich if you work hard enough?</strong></p> <h2>1. Depending on the market saturation</h2> <p>People working in the political sector often don&rsquo;t face the same kind of hustle as people writing a book.</p> <p>The difference is called&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;market saturation.&rdquo;</strong>&nbsp;In some industries, there may be limited opportunities for wealth accumulation due to market saturation or intense competition.</p> <p>If you&rsquo;re a writer, or maybe in any profession that&rsquo;s high in demand, you will likely have to prove your worth and capabilities. However, this hard consumes more time compared to professionals who will select you based on your level of education, university degree, etc.</p> <p>Meaning that you will start earning twice later than a person in politics, law, or tech ever will. This means all this time, you&rsquo;re putting your hard work into proving your worth rather than doing something&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">worthwhile</a>&nbsp;for your career.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Work Hard