Work in Progress: Mais où sont les neiges d’anten?

<p>Rio de Janeiro is a city that is as easy to love as Paris. Although I am now returned to Portland after my two and a half weeks in Brazil, the enchantment of Rio has not yet fully worn off, and I hope to carry it with me for as long as I can hang on to it &mdash; preferably until I can return, although that is not practicable.&nbsp;<em>Mais o&ugrave; sont les neiges d&rsquo;anten?</em>&nbsp;The snows of yesteryear are to be found with the scattered sands of Copacabana and Ipanema still in my shoes and in my clothes.</p> <p>There is a sense in which the urban design of Rio evokes a mid-century modern aesthetic. I haven&rsquo;t been in Bras&iacute;lia, but this was of course the ultimate exercise in mid-century modern urban aesthetics, as the whole city was designed and constructed from scratch. They bulldozed a plot in the interior jungle and built the city on the geographical equivalent of a blank slate. But the forces in Brazil that created Bras&iacute;lia were also evident in Rio de Janeiro. When I was in Petr&oacute;polis, at the Pal&aacute;cio Quitandinha, there was on display a magazine fold out of mid-century Rio featured as a tourist destination, and this captured a lot of spirit of what I&rsquo;m talking about.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Work Progress