22 List-Writing Ideas to Transform Your Work and Make You More Badass
<p>Lists are highly cool.</p>
<p>There is something thrilling about lists.</p>
<p>You feel all rad, and organised and diligent when you write them.</p>
<p>They help narrow your thoughts.</p>
<p>Scratching down notes like a mad scientist is enlivening.</p>
<p>A list’s endless scope, coupled with the power of their limits, makes us more creative.</p>
<p>It’s like we’re taming nature — harnessing the chaos of the Universe — with only a pencil and paper.</p>
<p>And yet we don’t use them enough.</p>
<p>I say this because I don’t.</p>
<p>I found myself short on ideas and creative energy recently.</p>
<p>So I asked, what is it that has repeatedly made me more creative?</p>
<p>Forcing myself to come up with as many ideas as possible.</p>
<p>Just the thought of list-writing for the sheer fun of it gives me tingles.</p>
<p>If you have read this far, it likely has the same effect on you too.</p>
<p>Lists are not only reserved for your to-dos and your next listicle blog post.</p>
<p>They have other, compelling, and practical uses.</p>
<p>Lists make you more intelligent.</p>
<p>When you use lists to come up with ideas, you are engaging in actual, in the moment, idea-peeling.</p>
<p>That first idea you had? Looks nice. But it looks even cooler, and possibly weirder when you strip away that first layer.</p>
<p><a href="https://iamalexmathers.medium.com/22-list-writing-ideas-to-transform-your-work-and-make-you-more-badass-989d32ba006f"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>