Tag: Modern

The Architecture of a Modern Startup

The Tech side of startups can sometimes be very fluid and contain a lot of unknowns. What tech stack to use? Which components might be overkill for now but worth keeping an eye on in the future? How to balance the pace of business features development while keeping the quality bar high eno...

Modern Developers PLEASE STOP Making These 10 Mistakes

Developers are great. They solve problems and generate value for companies. Awesome! So, why are there mistakes which keep happening? Issues that new developers seem to keep coming up when new developers enter the profession. Here are the themes that keep occurring as we take on new cohorts of...

Modern Grifters and The Golden Age of Fraud

We’ve all been watching the absurd antics of Hollywood’s newest self-reflective obsession, the Modern Grifter series like The Dropout, WeCrashed, Inventing Anna, and a host of other shows hold up a mirror to America’s worst capitalist excesses. While there certainly is a bit of mor...

Regression and Bayesian Methods in Modern Preference Elicitation

Linear regression is often considered the workhorse of predictive modeling, yet its application extends beyond straightforward predictive tasks. This article seeks to enrich the dialogue around regression techniques by introducing Probit Linear Regression as an effective tool for modeling preference...

How an Anti-Feminist Symbol Like Barbie Became a Modern Feminist Icon

I held out as long as possible to see the Barbie movie. For me, Barbie is a toxic role model. One that gives little girls body image issues and makes them feel bad about their bodies. In a way that even psychologists confirm sticks with them. Her body proportions are completely distorte...

Poverty of the Self in the Opulent Modern Society

The rise of capitalism as the new mode of production in the 17th century brought significant changes to society. One includes assisting in creating and widening two distinctive social classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie or capitalist class possesses the means or resources t...

Code Review Etiquette For The Modern Developer

No, it’s not just LGTM. It’s about far more than just LGTMs and GEFNs. Sure, the little rocket  and  emojis help, but that isn’t what code review is all about, and it never was. If code reviews for you are a checkbox exercise, you’re in the right place. If code revi...

Modern Women Readers I Have a Challenge for You

The mission of this publication is to raise the voices of women and recently I started to wonder if we were limiting ourselves a little by thinking only about what you amazing writers were creating on this platform. We used to have a section in the bar above for ‘Self Promotion’ and w...

An idealist’ tips on how to survive the modern society

Modern society is full of noise and imperfections, making it tough for idealists to find their place and be happy about it. If you are confused and feel lost like I once did, maybe there are some tips that I have learned along the way that can help. Ultimate principle: Center the world around ...

The modern work landscape is taking a toll on our well-being

In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, it’s not uncommon for people to spend the majority of their waking hours seated in front of screens. Whether it’s working at a desk, attending virtual meetings, binge-watching TV shows, or scrolling through social media, the average p...

Selling the Invisible — the Art of Modern Marketing

More than 80% of the workforce works in “service” companies. When you buy a product, you can see it, touch it and, depending on the product, taste, smell, or hear it. However, the service is not visible. When you purchase a service, there’s no clear definition of what you’ll ...

The Modern Data Stack Through ‘The Gervais Principle’

Go and Google the term “Modern Data Stack” and search through images. What do you see? It’s one big slew of architecture diagram after architecture diagram, with data flowing throughout various systems from the left to the right in most, much sound and fury signifyin...

Org Chart on Modern pages for SharePoint 2019 On-Premises

Modern SharePoint interface finally came to On-Premises. SharePoint 2019 now allows creating Modern team sites and pages. We are glad to introduce the new Plumsail Org Chart for SharePoint 2019. Now in addition to Classic pages, you can create org charts on Modern pages. This is how ...

Modern Iconography

Introduction There’s a term that architects love to use, and that is Cathedral-thinking. This is when they build monuments intended to last multiple generations, some of whose construction may take up to decades, even centuries to accomplish. Builders of the pyramids understood th...

The unbearable lightness of modern art

In the realm of heightened social activity, even if it’s predominantly confined to online, and where everyone has a platform to voice their opinions on just about anything, contemporary artists have not been immune to scrutiny. So, where do these necessity on whether a specific piece merits ex...

Modern Perspectives at SAAM

“We the People” of the DC area are digesting what looks like a looming government shutdown. Within this political disarray, I find myself escaping to art, and thus rushing to the recently opened modern galleries at the SAAM / the Smithsonian American Art Museum to take in its new endeavo...

A New Istanbul Modern to a New Istanbul

The new building of Istanbul Modern, Turkey’s first modern and contemporary art museum, masterminded by Renzo Piano is shining bright like a pearl at GalataPort, a place most of us, Istanbul citizens, were against the very idea of before it even existed regarding some political issues. When...

Why do people dislike modern and contemporary art?

There are two main reasons for this, both equally important. Firstly, most people’s implicit conception of ‘art’ — picked up from school and along the way — tends to be narrow and blinkered, and fixed on the idea that ‘art’ is all about beauty and skilled cr...

How to understand modern contemporary art, enjoy it, and not be fooled

Introduction Modern art remains a mystery to most people — critics, artists and the general public — even after 150 years. This is because everyone believes, deep down, that ‘art’ is really the same thing as ‘classical fine art’, and they find it almost impossi...

World of Modern and Contemporary Art and Design

Are you passionate about the captivating realm of Modern and Contemporary Art and Design? Look no further! Embark on a fascinating journey through creativity, innovation, and aesthetic expression with the incredible specialization offered by Coursera. Dive deep into the world of Arts and Hum...

Why Authoritarians hate Modern Art

Why Authoritarians hate Modern Art: a polemic… Here, I explore the reasons behind the disdain of authoritarians towards contemporary art. “Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty. On...

Modern Perspectives at SAAM

“We the People” of the DC area are digesting what looks like a looming government shutdown. Within this political disarray, I find myself escaping to art, and thus rushing to the recently opened modern galleries at the SAAM / the Smithsonian American Art Museum to take in its new endeavo...

Diablo 4’s Beta Shows the Horror of Modern AAA Design

It’s been a rough couple of years for Blizzard Entertainment, going from one of the premier studios in the world to one mired in controversy, scandals, lawsuits, and destroying years’ worth of goodwill with their fans. Diablo 4 has been viewed as the hopeful return to grace for...

The Modern Retro Mistakes of Game Dev

The indie space is home to a number of franchises and genres, and one of the biggest trends out of the space in the past decade is the “modern retro” craze. From Shovel Knight to Celeste, Owlboy, more RPGs than I can count, space sims, boomer shooters and the lis...

Diablo 4’s Beta Shows the Horror of Modern AAA Design

It’s been a rough couple of years for Blizzard Entertainment, going from one of the premier studios in the world to one mired in controversy, scandals, lawsuits, and destroying years’ worth of goodwill with their fans. Diablo 4 has been viewed as the hopeful return to grace for...

The Modern Retro Mistakes of Game Dev

The indie space is home to a number of franchises and genres, and one of the biggest trends out of the space in the past decade is the “modern retro” craze. From Shovel Knight to Celeste, Owlboy, more RPGs than I can count, space sims, boomer shooters and the lis...

Ep. 365 Illia Pashkov | The Evolution of Modern Technology

On episode 365 of the BlockHash Podcast, Futurist and Entrepreneur Illia Pashkov joins Brandon Zemp to discuss his work in Web3 as a business developer and creative director for multiple projects, including the Founder of Altar Metaverse. He has a passion for innovation, sustainability and technolog...

The Birth of Modern Computing

The motive of this article is to give you clear & concise understanding of modern computing, its evolution, and basic principles of it. It all started in 1940–1945, when the United States and Britain worked independently on creating computers to gain an advantage during the war. By 1951...

Ranking EVERY Modern Warfare 2 Killstreak!

In case you’re unfamiliar with first-person shooter console games, they immerse you, the player, as the soldier in a modern military scenario, whether combing the streets of Karachi, Pakistan for insurgents, or locked in a skirmish in an airport terminal. You choose your loadout &...

The Relationships In Final Fantasy XVI Feel Incredibly Modern

Final Fantasy XVI is a medieval fantasy game in the series. Therefore I was pleasantly surprised to see how modern the relationships are in this game. Clive may be my favourite protagonist in the series, I am unsure yet as I have only just recently finished the game and I am waiting for the dust to ...

I Love Modern Controls In Street Fighter 6

I love playing fighting games. I play them badly but I love playing them. I always get excited looking at all the games available this year with Street Fighter having just released and Tekken and Mortal Kombat 1 due later on this year. I plan on playing those games on Day 1. I usually do drop off...

Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC): What It Is and Why You Need It in Your Modern Data Lakehouse?

In a recent project, I worked on PBAC implementation in a Databricks environment. It was a new challenge, but I learned a lot and am excited to share my knowledge with others. Before we go deep into PBAC, first let’s understand what are the traditional methods for access control in the data...

Docker For the Modern Data Scientists: 6 Concepts You Can’t Ignore in 2023

It touches on one of the most painful problems not just in data science and ML but in all of programming — sharing applications/scripts and making the darn things work on others’ machines as well. While Microsoft, Apple, and Linus Torvalds meant well when they released different opera...

Modern OOP PHP with Docker

OOP: Object-Oriented Programming. Emphasis on using classes and objects. Setup a basic example with Docker Let’s set up an example using Docker, WSL2 and Ubuntu that will take this format: php_oop1/ |-- docker-compose.yml |-- Dockerfile |-- src/ |-- index.php |-- MyClas...

Modern Logging Solutions: A Deep Dive into Elasticsearch, Kibana, Node.js, and Docker

In the realm of software development, logging and monitoring play a pivotal role in ensuring the reliability, performance, and security of applications. Developers and system administrators rely on these practices to gain insights into how their software behaves in real-world scenarios and to prompt...

Demystifying internal vs external storage in modern Android

Android devs have the option of internal vs external storage when saving files. Whilst there’s a historical reason for this, the difference nowadays is a bit confusing. Let’s go on a journey to understand why these options exist, which option you should go for, and what the better alt...

Advanced Linux Commands for the Modern Hacker

Linux, the backbone of most modern servers and a favorite amongst the hacker community, offers a robust collection of commands that grant unparalleled access to a computer’s inner workings. Whether you’re a penetration tester, ethical hacker, or just a Linux enthusiast, understanding adv...

Stamford Urby offers modern, communal living steps from the metro

Communal living in the city means saving money and resources by enjoying shared spaces alongside the convenience of being a short walk from Metro North. At least that’s what it means at the stylish new Stamford Urby. Located on the corner of Greyrock Place and Tresser Boulevard in ...

How the Greek Invented the Modern World

hen we use the term Athenian democracy, we must be careful not to compare it to the modern-day liberal democracies we are accustomed to. For one, universal suffrage, where being of legal age is the only condition for exercising one’s right to vote, is a recent achievement. It would n...

Bangkok: The Modern Pearl in the Shadow of an Legendary Kingdom

As the sun sets, adorning Bangkok’s skyline with its splendor, this captivating city enchants everyone with its timeless beauty and complexity. Bangkok, the pride of Thailand, masterfully combines both traditional and modern elements to offer an enthralling experience. Now, let’s embark ...

Ankara: Where Ancient Heritage Meets Modern Charm

Ankara, the capital city of Turkey, is a vibrant metropolis steeped in history and culture, offering an array of exciting activities and attractions for every kind of traveler. From its ancient landmarks to modern delights, Ankara presents a unique blend of old and new. The city’s rich histori...

5 Melbourne modern architectural curiosities straight outta the 90s

It would be difficult to find a Victorian who doesn’t know who Jeff Kennett is. The Liberal party politician was the Premier of Victoria for two terms from 1992 to 1998. During this period, many large infrastructure projects were undertaken, and Kennett is particularly remembered for the stamp...

Exploring Miami’s Historic Architecture: From Art Deco to Modern Marvels

Miami, often hailed for its stunning beaches and vibrant culture, is equally renowned for its rich architectural heritage. From the iconic Art Deco buildings that line South Beach to the Mediterranean Revival mansions of Coral Gables, and the contemporary marvels adorning its skyline, the city is a ...

Utilitarianism in 21st Century: Modern Architecture

What is utility? According to the Oxford Dictionary, utility is defined as “the state of being useful, profitable or beneficial” (Oxford). For economists, the term utility is more associated with the “total satisfaction received from consuming a good or service” (Investo...

The new Sydney Modern is not about the Art.

The new Sydney Modern building, aka the North Building of the NSW Art Gallery is finally open. Over many lunchtime walks I observed the building grow from a construction site through to the magnificent edifice that it is today. I was able to visit the gallery a few weeks after opening and had some m...

Modern Japan came about in less than 40 years. For history buffs, hold on while I tell you about the Meiji Restoration..

The precursors for change were several- the arrival of the US in the form of Commodore Matthew Perry (NOT the actor from Friends), Japan’s capitulation to America’s demands for trade, and the eventual signing of the Treaty of Kanagawa in 1854. But foreign trade brought with it probl...

Are We Heading into a ‘Modern’ Bottleneck?

I’ve been juggling numerous defining projects in these past weeks at work. At one point, I had three co-workers on my team, but now I find myself alone. As the demands piled up, my availability and progress became a bottleneck for the entire company — a limiting factor reducing our capac...

Philanthropy vs Generosity

Philanthropy can be defined in many ways. The word comes from Greek, meaning “love for humanity.” Modern definitions include the concept of voluntary giving by an individual or group to promote the common good and improve the quality of life. Researching and summarizing what peop...

The Clash Between Ancient and Modern Sages

Early Buddhists and the ancient Greek philosophers, from Democritus and Plato to Epicurus and Protagoras were convinced that philosophical knowledge is a comfort in that it puts you at peace with the world. The Greeks called this enlightened state “ataraxia,” meaning tranquility or im...

Do Modern Liberals Owe Everything to Christianity?

What do you get when a pompous, rancorous Eastern Orthodox theologian writes a book in response to the new atheists who flourished within the decade or so that followed the 9/11 terrorist attacks? You get David Bentley Hart’s Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and its Fashiona...

The Childishness of Modern Atheism

Christianity and Freud have something in common. Freud’s observations about the psyche, along with his contemporaries in the psychoanalysts of the twentieth century, have become so absorbed into our language and understanding of psychology that we don’t recognise it. When we think of Fre...

Bill Maher and the Willful Ignorance of Modern Atheism

In a recent December episode of Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher comes up with a Jeopardy board for “gods born on the 25th of December”, as a way of mocking the Christian dating of Christmas. In it he includes Horus, Mithra, Adonis, Osiris, Dionysis and more. He ends by saying “tho...

Top 10 Massacres by Christians in Modern History

In 1524, the Protestant teachings of Martin Luther were catching on. German peasants found them appealing. They declared they had “Christian freedom” to not be serfs anymore. A lot of poorly armed peasants staged a revolt, while appealing to Luther for support. They didn’t know ...

Pier’s Morgan Encapsulates the Modern Islamophobe

Let us look at the general demeanour Piers sustained and at some of what Piers said. Piers starts by asking Dr Wahid to condemn the behaviours of other Muslims who were chanting “Jihad”. It would have been more courteous of Piers to allow the Dr to introduce his organisation – t...

WHO does the Modern Land of Israel Belong to?

1. It is very True that God gave that land to Abraham. And as a inheritance to CHILDREN OF FAITH in God. To be a real CHILD of your father is to LIVE LIKE your Father lives. This is a core understanding across the entire Middle East. To be a child of Abraham is to LVE IN FAITH. To seek closeness and...

The Irony of Jewish Fundamentalism in Modern Israel

Israeli political propaganda draws a sharp line between Israel and the Islamist terrorists who seek to end the Jewish state. Israel is supposed to be a civilized, liberal, democratic republic that happens to be surrounded by Arab dictatorships and medieval theocracies, and whereas Israe...

When Problems Are Out of Your Control: An Ancient Lesson for Modern Souls

Summoning the last vestiges of his will, Alerion journeyed to seek counsel from the Oracle, to find a salve for his suffering spirit. As he approached the Oracle’s haven — a dwelling part temple, part nature — he said, “Wise Oracle, my soul is a dark cavern, brimming with sha...

What Living in Arkansas for 5 Years Taught Me About Modern Racism

Once upon a time, I thought racism was obsolete. That was while I resided in the Northeast quadrant of the country. Then I moved down South (more on that later) and was exposed to how minorities live and are treated there. The experience was eye-opening in the worst way possible. It’s no se...

Modern Women: January 2024 Writing Prompts

With the dawn of a new year, we’re all in that liminal space of reflection and visioning and with it comes grief, hope, excitement, disappointment and a whole host of other emotions. While I wish you all a very happy new year, I wonder how often we arrive at this inner space, and as each of us...

Love, Power, and the Modern Dating Maze: Lessons from ‘Sex and the City’

Non-medium members can view the article here. And just like that, this article marks the beginning of ‘I Couldn’t Help But Wonder’ — the space where we will look for the answers to each question discussed in each episode of ‘Sex and the City’, th...

Embracing Diversity: The Imperative of Acceptance for LGBTQ+ Rights in the Modern World

In the ever-evolving landscape of human rights, the pursuit of equality has become a cornerstone of progress in the 21st century. Among the myriad of issues, the fight for gay rights has taken center stage, emphasizing the significance of acceptance in a world that increasingly recognizes the import...

Modern Feminism And Its Negative Impact on Women/Man

Feminism, at its core, is about advocating for gender equality and giving women the same opportunities and rights as men. But in recent years, some argue that certain feminist movements have actually done more harm than good for women and men. One way in which these movements have negatively impa...

The Early Roots Of Modern Day Misogyny

The story of the Biblical first woman, Eve has always given me a twinge of uneasiness. In fact, I think the two most visible female characters of the Bible, Eve and Jesus’ mother Mary provide a distinct contrast of Christianity’s narrative on femininity. AKA the Madonna-whore compl...

Did a ‘Hidden Hand’ Instigate the Modern Occult?

Noconsideration of modern occult history is complete without confronting what has come to be called the “hidden hand” theory. The backstory of this drama is so serpentine that it nearly defies summation, which is part of its charm. The other part of the theory’s charm is that, i...

Did a ‘Hidden Hand’ Instigate the Modern Occult?

Noconsideration of modern occult history is complete without confronting what has come to be called the “hidden hand” theory. The backstory of this drama is so serpentine that it nearly defies summation, which is part of its charm. The other part of the theory’s charm is that, i...

Top 15 Unsolved Mysteries That Baffle Modern Science

The pursuit of knowledge is an essential aspect of human nature, driving us to explore the world around us and seek answers to the most profound questions about our existence. Throughout history, we have made tremendous strides in our understanding of the universe, the intricacies of life, and the m...

Energy Healing Explored: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern World

In the midst of our bustling lives, amidst the noise and distractions, an ancient practice is quietly making a resurgence, promising a haven for our weary souls. Energy Healing, though rooted in age-old traditions, is gaining fresh momentum in our world today. For many, it’s the guiding light ...

Picnic: the modern milkman transforming urban distribution

The Netherlands is home to one of the fastest-growing e-commerce markets in Europe, estimated to reach a turnover of 36 billion euros by 2021. Consumers increasingly depend on buying online, and this is not restricted to electronics and clothing. More than 1 in 6 Dutch people do ...

Winchester Black Talon Modern-Day Equivalent

Unfortunately, Winchester stopped producing Black Talon ammunition in 2000, which only fed into its mystique. A common misconception was that it was produced with a black Teflon coating. Not true. In all actuality, it was a special black coating with the purpose of preserving barrel life. And ...

The Modern GOP Isn’t the First Party to Embrace Big Conspiracy Theories that Led to Violence

Its shadowy beginnings, and popular nickname, meant it would eventually go down in history as somewhat of a joke. Yet in their time, the Know-Nothings made their dangerous presence known, and at the time no one was laughing. The party unsuccessfully ran candidates for president, including, in one...

Abbott’s Modern Coffle Display of Power

The historical reference is clear even if the word, coffle, is not. I find this shipping of minorities around the country very like a coffle, a slavery practice where millions of black Americans were linked in chains and forced march to plantations for hundreds of years, all the way up until 1860. ...

Cell Theory: The Cornerstone of Modern Biology

Understanding Cell Theory The cell theory comprises three main concepts: 1.All Living Organisms are Composed of Cells: This highlights the universal application of cell theory across all life forms. 2.The Cell is the Basic Unit of Life: It emphasizes the role of cells as the fundamental...

The Case for Rewiring Modern Manufacturing with Mycelium

Reducing consumption is the ultimate solution to a sustainably stewarded spaceship Earth. But let’s be real: consumption is showing no signs of slowing. So, just as important as changing hearts and minds is changing the way we make things. By reimagining material goods as part of living cycles...

Elevating Lab Capabilities: Budget-Friendly Strategies for the Modern Researcher

Understanding the Challenge As procurement managers, lab directors, or decision-makers in the field, we’ve all been there. The need for cutting-edge equipment is undeniable, yet the financial reality can be daunting. How can you equip your lab with the best tools without compromising your b...

The Sinking Town with The Most Modern Underground Mine: Kiruna, Sweden

Last Summer I went to the Arctic Circle to visit the world’s most modern underground mine in the northern Swedish town of Kiruna. Following a successful exploration by the state-owned Swedish mining company, LKAB, the newly discovered resources are to date known as one of the world’...

Marvelous Modern Woman Monday

Born April 15, 1896, to the daughter of a former slave Mary (May) had doors opened to her that few women, let alone “working class” black women had in the early 1900s. May became a marvelous modern woman not letting racist institutions stop her from achieving her goals. By the time of...

Modern medicine has its scientific roots in the Middle Ages − how the logic of vulture brain remedies and bloodletting lives on today

Nothing calls to mind nonsensical treatments and bizarre religious healing rituals as easily as the notion of Dark Age medicine. The “Saturday Night Live” sketch Medieval Barber Theodoric of York says it all with its portrayal of a quack doctor who insists on extracting pints o...

Particles and Waves: The Dance of Modern Physics

In the mesmerizing world of modern physics, the interplay between particles and waves takes center stage, revealing a dynamic dance that challenges our conventional understanding of reality. This article embarks on a journey through the intricacies of this cosmic ballet, exploring how particles and ...

Modern Physicists are Data Analysts, This is Why (An Opinion)

When someone who had taken physics class before, either in high school or college, asked about physics, what they have in their mind are probably something like these: lots of formulas, lots of on-paper calculation, lots of exercises about ball rolling down a slope, friction force analysis of a turn...

Navigating the Maze of Modern Loneliness with Observations and Interactions

Being alone, if you’re not lonely, is a luxury. The whole world ignores you, and in return, you don’t need to give a rat’s tail about it. Loneliness can be a paradoxical beast until you need your tea, coffee, lunch, or dentistry. Though it is an individual feeling, it only manifest...

7 ways the Earth has changed from ancient to modern times

Our cosmic home, planet Earth, has been through a lot over the past 4.5 billion years. Here are some of its most spectacular changes. Our Solar System formed some ~4.6 billion years ago. Although we now believe we understand how the Sun and our Solar System formed, this early view of our p...

Cyclic-Civilization Theory: How Antediluvian Megaliths Seeded Modern Civilization

Given the literally dozens of views my first article garnered, I figured the world needed more. I stand by that first article, while conceding of course, that errors likely exist within it, while holding, that the overarching idea is true. That Gobekli Tepe stone works depict primitive Egyptian h...

The History of Graphic Design: From Ancient Symbols to Modern Logos

One of the earliest forms of graphic design can be traced back to cave paintings, which date back to around 38,000 BCE. These paintings were created by prehistoric humans using natural pigments and tools, such as brushes, fingers, or sticks. They depicted animals, humans, hunting scenes, and other a...

Julius Caesar and His Impact on Modern Society, why we love him even today

Introduction In the annals of history, few figures loom as large as Julius Caesar, the Roman general, statesman, and dictator. His influence has transcended the boundaries of time, leaving an indelible mark on modern society. Let’s embark on a journey through the life of this iconic figure ...

Roman Law and Its Influence on Modern Legal Systems

The legal systems of many modern nations owe a significant debt to ancient Rome. Roman law, developed over centuries, has had a profound influence on legal practices and principles in various parts of the world. This article delves into the intricacies of Roman law and explores its enduring impact o...

Ancient Wisdom: Timeless Advice For Modern Times

I’m a self-proclaimed nerd. Tell me you found a quote from ancient China, and soon you’ll hear the squeak of my chair as I move forward. Now I’m not saying having an interest in ancient quotes and wisdom makes you nerdy, but what I’m saying is when you’re at the...

Strutting Towards Nowhere: A Modern Tragedy

The man — an imitation of many others — struts around town like a peacock, flaunting his so-called sophistication, but in reality, he’s nothing more than a glorified monkey in a garish polyester suit with a corporate noose-like tie around his neck. He’s like a prisoner being ...

The Difference Between Traditional and Modern Societies

Traditionalism is a fringe, but increasingly popular ‘ideology’ in online right-wing circles. I put ideology in quotation marks because the word seems to mean wildly different things to different people making it hard to define in simple terms. Generally speaking, the ideas and politics ...

Why You’re Struggling & Confused About Modern Dating | Ancestral Mating Strategies VS Modern Mating

This is a summary of Matt Larsen’s podcast appearance on Chris Williamson’s podcast. Matt is a researcher and journalist whose research focuses on the history of human mating ideologies. I am fascinated by the arrogance of humans to assume which mating and relationship strat...

“Navigating the Modern Lifestyle: Finding Balance in a Digital Age”

Introduction: In today’s fast-paced world, where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, finding balance can feel like an uphill battle. From incessant notifications to the pressure of maintaining a picture-perfect online presence, the modern lifestyle is filled with challenges that...

Modern Religions for A Lonely World

He’s a media personality caricature repping the “all meat diet.” He chomps animal brains to win big in the attention economy, as much as he fights for the reassessment of what a more nutritious diet may entail. His success primarily lies in the former: attention. Many di...

Modern Applications of Bourdieu: an Analysis of Black Cultural Capital

Contemporary society benefits from a wealth of knowledge from past thinkers. While this may push forward understanding and innovation in many ways, it also has the potential to exclude new strands of thought and historically marginalized groups. However, established ideologies can also be building g...

Who Are Modern Kimono Wearers?

The kimono is a traditional Japanese garment. Kimono means something to wear in Japanese, including sportswear, workwear and casual and formal wear. It is often said that the kimono is only worn on ceremonial occasions in Japan today, which is incorrect. The kimono is indeed worn f...

How the Modern World Has Altered Our Cultures

Culture is the foundation of any society. Without burly culture, any society cannot sustain nor lead towards evaluation and growth. Culture represents the society and attributes of people. It creates the perspective of how to see the world. All around the world, there are almost 3,814 different c...

Hina Matsuri A Time-Honored Tradition Embracing Modern Diversity

Historical Roots and Evolution Japan’s Hina Matsuri, also known as Girls’ Day, celebrated every 3rd of March, has evolved from a ritual praying for health and well-being to a festival primarily associated with girls. Originating from ancient China’s “Shangsi Festival,&rdqu...

Balletcore: The Evolution of Coquette and the Presence of Sandy Liang in Modern Discourse

Girls from any aesthetic can now be seen adding bows to anything that can hold them, from tote bags to purses to jeans to shoes. It brings a warm sensation to my chest as a woman myself to observe this unanimous tribute to being a girl and being feminine, all united by a single pink ribbon. Common a...

Unlock Your Style Potential: Fashion Trends and Tips for the Modern Maven

In the bustling world of fashion, staying ahead of the curve is not just a desire but a necessity. Vogue Nest is here to guide you through the latest trends, offer expert styling tips, and provide insightful product reviews to elevate your wardrobe game. Let’s delve into the realm of sty...

Our Crazy Lives as Modern Humans — In 34 Words

Working heads-down on a project for a few months, a few times a day I come back to Medium as a bit of a mind-vacation, to watch all you writers casting your spells and sharing your journeys and thoughts. It’s like the best kind of background conversations one might hear in an old, wood encr...

Benetton Invented Modern Marketing

When we talk about fashion, we talk about Paris, Milan, New York, London, and Tokyo. Sometimes Rome, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, or even Moscow might get a mention. But few will have heard of Ponzano Veneto. Yet, located about 20 miles north of Venice, this town of some 13,000 inhabitants has its place ...

Modern Dandy: Styling Tips for Pocket Squares with a Contemporary Twist

The modern dandy style is a fashion trend that has gained popularity in recent years. It is characterized by its attention to detail, elegance, and sophistication. The modern dandy style takes inspiration from the classic dandy style of the 19th century, but adds a contemporary twist. It is all abou...

Body Positivity And The “Air Space” Problem Of Modern Hot Takes

I was in Granbury, Texas for a part of this weekend, and heard two guys having a discussion about “fat chicks” and such, which is a discussion guys have been having for potentially 4,800 years — if not longer. It did make me, briefly, think about the whole “body positivity&rd...

Hair is Everything! This is What Hair Means to Modern Women

Astoday is International Women’s Day, I want to take this opportunity to talk about one (in my opinion) very underrated aspect of womanhood, and that is hair. In preparation for this piece, I spoke with two hairstylists, gathered statements from my female friends and colleagues, and even got a...

The modern secret tool to improve your first impression

„SkinCare 3.0 — From Zero To Hero„ is my weekly newsletter. I will share the secrets backed by science to make an excellent first impression and have personal and professional success! According to science, we have only 100 milliseconds to make an excellent first impression...

Calligraphy: The Art of Calligraphy: History, Practice, and Modern Relevance

Calligraphy, the art of beautiful writing, has been a revered form of artistic and literary expression for centuries. This paper explores the historical evolution of calligraphy across different cultures, examines the techniques and materials used, and discusses its contemporary relevance in a digit...