Did a ‘Hidden Hand’ Instigate the Modern Occult?
<p>Noconsideration of modern occult history is complete without confronting what has come to be called the “hidden hand” theory.</p>
<p>The backstory of this drama is so serpentine that it nearly defies summation, which is part of its charm. The other part of the theory’s charm is that, in whole or portion, it just might be true.</p>
<p>To recover this thread requires unwinding the clock to 1884, when a secretive European occult order called the H.B. of L., for Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, appeared in England. Even the group’s name is laced with intrigue.</p>
<p><a href="https://mitch-horowitz-nyc.medium.com/did-a-hidden-hand-instigate-the-modern-occult-77eaa2686b14"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>