The Difference Between Traditional and Modern Societies

<p>Traditionalism is a fringe, but increasingly popular &lsquo;ideology&rsquo; in online right-wing circles. I put ideology in quotation marks because the word seems to mean wildly different things to different people making it hard to define in simple terms. Generally speaking, the ideas and politics commonly associated with traditionalism can include social conservatism, monarchism, Christianity, localism, traditional (pedestrian-centric, local materials and styles) urban planning, anti-consumerism, ethnocentrism, pro-natalism and patriarchy. Other ideas sometimes associated with the movement include integralism, environmentalism, anarcho-primitivism, feudalism and accelerationism. Aside from these I also suspect many self-identified traditionalists are really just mainstream conservatives or fascists who found the term traditionalist more vogue.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>