Body Positivity And The “Air Space” Problem Of Modern Hot Takes

<p>I was in Granbury, Texas for a part of this weekend, and heard two guys having a discussion about &ldquo;fat chicks&rdquo; and such, which is a discussion guys have been having for potentially 4,800 years &mdash; if not longer. It did make me, briefly, think about the whole &ldquo;body positivity&rdquo; movement and how insane everything about the Internet and hot takes is. At the same time I heard the &ldquo;fat chicks&rdquo; discussion, Princess Cate/Kate had just told the world about her cancer diagnosis, oddly&nbsp;<em>without&nbsp;</em>her husband by her side, but that hostage-looking video was the end (beginning?) of a weird arc of social media where everyone must weigh in on everything go on with some woman who is famous because of a generations-old power structure. I started thinking about this stuff more.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Modern hot