An idealist’ tips on how to survive the modern society

<p>Modern society is full of noise and imperfections, making it tough for idealists to find their place and be happy about it.</p> <p>If you are confused and feel lost like I once did, maybe there are some tips that I have learned along the way that can help.</p> <p><strong>Ultimate principle: Center the world around you, not others</strong></p> <p><strong>Coping Strategies for Navigating Work Challenges</strong></p> <p>In modern society, work has taken the majority of our time and energy. We often lose the balance of planning around work vs. life.</p> <p>I once wanted to escape from work, but I found out that having nothing to do is worse! Though idealists, love freedom and place a lot of emphasis on our minds, finding something meaningful to work towards is very healthy for idealists.</p> <p><strong>Moving yourself to the center of your life instead of your work allows you to look at work from a different perspective</strong>. Not only does it bring a steady stream of income for you, but it also gives you a place to work with other people on meaningful projects. Remember, work is just a part of your life, not everything. You have other higher purposes to pursue, making work more pleasant.</p> <p>I was once struggling in a corporation, finding no purpose in my work, that was a terrible feeling. Think back, I can do better to cope with that.</p> <p>1) Work brings income and stability to support the seeking for purpose; it is one important pillar from that perspective.</p> <p>2) Life is complex and has many aspects. For idealists, admitting that work is not the sole purpose can prevent total disappointment and hatred towards it.</p> <p>3) You can keep looking for a purpose, but not necessarily hate your current situation, understanding that it is a natural process to find the ideal balance; it takes time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Modern society