The Modern Data Stack Through ‘The Gervais Principle’

<p>Go and Google the term &ldquo;Modern Data Stack&rdquo; and search through images. What do you see? It&rsquo;s one big slew of architecture diagram after architecture diagram, with data flowing throughout various systems from&nbsp;<strong>the left to the right&nbsp;</strong>in most<strong>,&nbsp;</strong>much sound and fury signifying nothing other than somewhere between 5 and 100 different vendor solutions to purchase to help move data around.</p> <p>Fundamentally the left-to-right flow is flawed as it is a dressed up back-of-napkin representation of technology flows, not decision flows or capital allocation flows within organizations.</p> <p>Ultimately the Modern Data Stack diagram is typically a vendor or VC firm or staff augmentation firm&rsquo;s view of whatever is most economically beneficial for them at present.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Modern Data Stack