The Childishness of Modern Atheism

<p>Christianity and Freud have something in common. Freud&rsquo;s observations about the psyche, along with his contemporaries in the psychoanalysts of the twentieth century, have become so absorbed into our language and understanding of psychology that we don&rsquo;t recognise it. When we think of Freud or Jung most people imagine stereotypes of fetishistic weirdos who wrote about how everyone has a mother complex. Because their most useful observations (for example Jung&rsquo;s introvert/extrovert) have become so absorbed into our language we simply see the things that seem strange, we see&nbsp;<em>through</em>&nbsp;what we have absorbed, leaving only what we think we have rejected because we are blind to how such radical thought at the time actually enabled these observations to be made.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Modern Atheism