Tag: People

Meetup’s David Siegel On How We Can Solve The Loneliness Epidemic Among Young People

Our youth are facing a loneliness epidemic like never before. They have “social” media, but many are lacking healthy social lives. Many have likes and virtual “friends” but not real life friends. They can text and tweet but not speak and listen and connect. And they are feeli...

Why 99% of People Fail to Learn to Code

Avoid making these crucial mistakes when learning a new programming language, framework, technology etc.   Aren’t you tired of being stuck in tutorials, repeating every process and still failing to finish your project or understand? Do you feel like you’re running on a hams...

These Used to be Serious People

Maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m jaded. Maybe I’m boring. Maybe I’m no fun anymore. Maybe I’m getting too old for this shit. Maybe I’m the old man with the lawn. But maybe I’m not. Admittedly, I haven’t been paying that close of attention — becau...


There are many controversial topics around getting rich quick or how the rich has come to their current positions. However, I can assure you that they all bear on one same principle that makes who they are today, and that is Budgeting. Budgeting is simply a plan for how you will spend yo...

Interacting with people? Nah thanks!

Carl Jung coined the term ‘introvert’ to describe people like me. The ones who focus all their energy on the inside world, and avoid social interactions. Many people are naive enough to assume that introversion is a reflection of a lack of solid personality. It couldn’t be furth...

9 Rarest Black People In The World

Every person is unique — right? Even among twins, there are often differences in their appearance. Well, for some people, these distinctive features make them some of the rarest individuals in the entire world. We’re turning away from the standard beauty expectations that developed in...

People: Can’t Live With Them, Can’t Live Without Them

Ientertain daydreams, sometimes, about escaping the world and all the people in it, but the late Sir Laurens van der Post, a South African writer and explorer, followed through on his fantasy. Van der Post considered himself a people person, but even he had his limits, and what he saw as a Japane...

Do People Believe Crime Doesn’t Pay Anymore?

I caught the movie Arrival on a random cable channel the other day. The movie is excellent, still, with a fantastic Amy Adams performance and a vibe of both menace and wonder that is intoxicating. (It’s no wonder director Denis Villeneuve was tasked with reviving both Blade Runn...

Why do many British people not like Donald Trump?

This is THE best summary of Donald Trump I have ever read. It is a superb summary of what we think in the U.K. This was originally answered on Quora by Nat White but for some reason the response was deleted by Quora, nobody knows why. The response was also covered extensively by many pu...

People Aren’t Thinking About You The Way You Are Thinking About You

There is a term in social psychology called the ‘spotlight effect which refers to our tendency to overestimate how much other people think about us or notice us. The reality is that everyone is so concerned about their own problems/life that they rarely, if ever, spend much time thinking about...

I See Black People, And I’m Not Racist

I’m writing this piece from the vantage point of an ordained Christian minister who is also a tenured professor teaching at a liberal arts college affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). My comments regarding racism and colorblindness reflect a specific critique of C...

Some People You Share Your Good News With Are Not Happy for You

Becareful who you tell your dreams to or who you allow to know about what you’ve got good going on. And I’m not talking about just acquaintances like co-workers, colleagues, and group members. This includes family members and close friends because plenty of them are haters too who don...

People Come and Go, and That’s Okay

Something I can learn from life is… yup! People come and go. Sometimes I feel strange to people around me, like, “Why did they suddenly change? Why aren’t they like usual? Why are they like this to me?” and many questions in my head. That’s weird. But, I calmed myse...

How To Achieve 10x More In 1 Month Than Most People Do in 12 Months

Hit snooze 4 times. Doom scroll on social media. Fall out of bed. Make coffee. Sit in traffic. Do 7–8 hours of unfulfilling work. Rush to get back into traffic. Eat sh*t food. Argue with people. Watch mindless TV. Pass out. Repeat for 40 + years. Retire. Die. Congrats. There’s no s...

4 Things Mentally Tough People Don’t Do

As a psychologist, I hear every day about the emotional problems and challenges people struggle with — from depression and anxiety to relationship issues and low self-esteem. But contrary to what you might imagine, people who come to therapy aren’t just full of problems. They’re...

Suddenly, We Don’t Have Enough People

Just a generation or so ago, a book entitled The Population Bomb, by Paul Ehrlich, sold millions of copies, continuing a long tradition of Malthusian doomsday forecasts. Ehrlich predicted that the world would soon be overpopulated, resulting in mass starvation and death. But the dire prediction...

I Wonder What All The Poor People Are Doing Today?

Many years ago, a friend won the free use of a boat for a day. She invited my family and her sister, a very poor single mom, to cruise the Illinois River with her. None of us was remotely used to such luxury. It was awesome. The sister, who took a day off from her grueling work as a nursing home ...

4 Habits Confident People Avoid

Confidence is one of those things you can’t really get directly. You can’t just try to be confident any more than you can try to be happy. In fact, sometimes this direct approach to seeking confidence can backfire: You’re so worried about being more confident, tha...

People can, and do change

You may have heard the old adage “a leopard never changes its spots.” The origins of that proverb come from the Old Testament and used in Jeremiah 13:23 where the prophet Jeremiah said “Can the Ethopian change his skin, or the leopard its spots?”. That more or less became ...

People Aren’t Thinking About You The Way You Are Thinking About You

There is a term in social psychology called the ‘spotlight effect which refers to our tendency to overestimate how much other people think about us or notice us. The reality is that everyone is so concerned about their own problems/life that they rarely, if ever, spend much time thinking about...

5 Habits of Highly Focused People

The biggest reason people struggle to focus is that they don’t understand what focus really is. Most of us think about focus like willpower — the effort you apply to keep your mind on one thing when it wants to go somewhere else. But this is only a tiny part of focus — and by fa...

89% Of the Most Successful People Use Their Time in These 6 Productive Ways

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. But we all invest it differently. Some choose to learn, while others choose to be entertained. There’s no judgment from me. But different choices create different results. I’ve observed how successful people use their time. Here’s wh...

People Aren’t Thinking About You The Way You Are Thinking About You

There is a term in social psychology called the ‘spotlight effect which refers to our tendency to overestimate how much other people think about us or notice us. The reality is that everyone is so concerned about their own problems/life that they rarely, if ever, spend much time thinking about...

It’s the People Who Don’t Talk You Should Listen to

Quiet thinkers intrigue me. Those who pay attention. The people who speak only to clarify and understand. The ones who hold on to their wisdom because they question their own thinking. We don’t need know-it-alls. The arrogant, overbearing ones with an answer to everything. So undoubting ...

Making 'People Ops' sense for everyone

How many times have you faced the classic question, “So, what’s the deal with the ‘people operations department’?” Oh, I’ve been there too. When I was starting out, it honestly left me feeling a bit offended or annoyed. I was hustling all day and night, ...

Why do we need other people’s help to succeed as likeable people?

The only hurdle between you and what you want to be is the support of others. An executive depends on people to carry out his instructions. If they don't, the managing director will fire the executive, not the employees. Students at school or University depend on the professor to carry for...

4 ways to engage the disengaged people in your meeting

Hard-to-handle participants are par for the course if you frequently facilitate meetings and workshops. How many of us have been in meetings where one person throws off the entire group with their remarks, disinterest, or general resistance to the task at hand? While it’s stressful when these ...

Managing “Difficult People”

When talking about performance, it’s crucial to consider both the technical (a.k.a “hard”) skills and the interpersonal (a.k.a “soft”) skills. An employee is not a high performer if they are technically excellent but tear the team apart due to their behavior. After m...

Creative Org People Directory

As an individual contributor, have you ever been inquired regarding a request outside of your responsibility? Have you ever found yourself needing to learn about a project but struggled to find the right contact? As a people manager, how often have you had to search for a contractor because no on...

Now you can create AI people!

This very attractive woman was created by an ingenious piece of software called the Human Generator. You can find this here: https://generated.photos/human-generator/new The software is completely free and allows you to download the images that you have created. If you want to post these pub...

How we created the Toxic Test and matched people with “The Office” characters

Today, we would like to take you behind the scenes of our latest project implemented here at the Spans Agency. It is a test that helps people identify toxic communication in the workplace. It was created in collaboration with Alter, a platform that connects people with qualified psychotherapists. Ge...

Culture and People: This is Athens!

At the beginning of 2018, while studying Cultural Management at Panteion University, one of our graduate courses got us thinking about cities. Under the lead of Professor Betty Tsakarestou, who is the project initiator of the Athens Co-Creation City Branding Project, we started discussing ...

A far flung people

In figure.17. A collection of casts taken from Sea Peoples clearly shows the marked difference in appearance from all other races depicted at Medinet-Habu. What is telling is that throughout all depictions in Egyptian art not one Sea Peoples warrior as depicted in the Land a...

People Watching in Soi Cowboy — Bangkok’s Infamous Red-light District

It’s 11 pm, and I’m camped out at The Oasis, one of the only bars in Soi Cowboy that is nothing more than a pub. Some live music downstairs, billiards on the second floor, and fortunately for me, another patio where I can people watch from above without anyone catching my glance. ...

Naked People On The Beach

On my third day exploring Copenhagen with my two friends, we witnessed public nudity for the first time. At the beginning of the day we rented bikes from our hostel to explore the city. I definitely recommend doing this! While using the bike lanes and managing the busy traffic was a little tough,...

Alcohol brings people closer

Drinking adult beverages has its benefits and drawbacks. Among the latter are dangers of overindulging and getting addicted. They are well known; we all should be responsible when drinking. Among benefits brought by using alcohol — people get more open, friendly and joyful. Alcohol helps initi...

Mapping Mexico City’s Indigenous People

“They aren’t statistics. They are human lives”, says Juan Luis Toledo Sanchez, member of the autonomous cooperative Cimarronez (or C.A.C.A.O., by its Spanish acronym), in Mexico City. He is part of the team that, for five years, has been mapping the indigenous people in Mexico&rsqu...

How Emily in Paris depicts a watered version of Paris and convey (wrong) cliches about French people

Like many girls, I was rocked by TV shows such as Sex & the City or Gossip Girls. So when Emily in Paris was out on Netflix, I could not help starting watching it. I mean, how can we say no to a chick show after a long of day of work, with the current pandemic situation and the grey weather outs...

Cats Save People Cat Gods Who Continue to Protect Even in Death

With photos of Japanese people 100 years ago Tokyo Shrine Located right across the street from Toyokawa Inari Tokyo Betsuin. A mysterious space, like a veranda or a mezzanine floor, was It is not a fox that is enshrined there. The cat enshrined there is not a fox, but a cat. A shrine with cat...

Do Japanese people care about what foreigners think about them or their country?

The question is complex, and the answer has to be general. I must say Japan is foreign-friendly. Foreigners are safe in Japan, but the Japanese are obedient to the law and don’t break easily. On the other hand, my tourists violate some rules and cultural values of the Japanese people. Bu...

Ten 2024 Predictions by Famous People

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX “I predict that in 2024, we will launch the first crewed mission to Mars, and establish a permanent human presence on the red planet. We will also make significant progress in developing Starlink, a global satellite internet network that will provide high-...

5 Things Wealthy People Do With Their Investments That You Can Do Too

In my previous position working for a luxury real estate auction house, I had phenomenal opportunities to interact and learn from wealthy individuals whose net worth often exceeded $10 million. As many would expect, these ultra-high-net-worth individuals are quite different from the average perso...

The Mindsets of Wealthy People

I was talking to a friend recently about strategies that make ordinary people wealthy. Often, people talk about trying to spend less by budgeting, saving more, and investing. Or working harder to earn more. These things definitely help. But we all know that without a good budget, savings, and inv...

Wait, How Are People Affording Expensive Things?

Do you ever wonder, “How are people affording this stuff?” I’m not talking about a trendy, cute outfit or a miscellaneous Amazon purchase. I’m talking about someone purchase anew house in a high-interest market or an elaborate wedding worthy of being on Pinterest. Your ...

Try To Be Honest For God Is The Helper Of Honest People:

The extremely Truthful or Siddīq is one — who does not lie in any sense and does not perform any action unless he knows that it is right. And he does not say anything unless he knows it’s true. Undoubtedly, such a person sees nothing but the Truth and Reality. Therefore, he is o...

What Not To Do Or Say To Disabled People

I forgot how exhausting being disabled in a small town can be. I love living in a small town most days. The slower pace, the quiet. I love the fact that most things are closed on weekends. It can be a bit of a challenge sometimes but the rest of the time it helps me stay present instead of d...

Getting People on Board with Gender Equality

Around the globe, reactionary movements are gaining ground, misogynist influencers are topping online searches, and identity politics, feminism and gender studies are increasingly seen as tiresome, annoying, and out of touch. Whatever the proponents of equality are d...

Why Being Fair in the Workplace Means Treating People Differently

I was brought up to know that life is not fair. It certainly is not — I was born into a situation where, despite plenty of hard times, I have always had food to eat and somewhere warm and dry to live. Millions around the world would love what I have had, and none of us got a choice in where an...

What Do You Call People Who Aren’t White?

“People of color.” “Global majority.” For as long as we’ve been talking about race in our societies, one particular concept has eluded easy and consistent definition: what we call the collective groups in our societies that are not of the dominant racial group. Within t...

Inclusion Is About Valuing People As They Are, Not Trying To Make Them All The Same

When I was a child, one of my favourite toys was a plastic ball with holes of various shapes in it. Along with the ball were plastic pieces, each one of which would fit through one of the holes. It was a very basic toy to help young children to learn about shapes and practice their manual skills. ...

When White People Try to Hide Their Racism, They Use These Phrases

InAmerican society, many White people live in fear of being called a "racist." It's become a scarlet letter for some because once you're exposed as such, you may lose legitimacy in your professional life and the community more broadly. For instance, last fall, a police officer in S...

What If Black People Are Just Stupid?

In 1971, Michael Cole, and a team of his fellow psychologists, travelled to West Africa to settle a question about race and intelligence. They gave members of the Kpelle tribe various items (food, tools, cooking utensils, clothing) and asked them to sort them into categories. They then compa...

How I Talked to Our 9-year-old about Trans People

Our son sat on the couch, watching Mr. Beast on his iPad. He laughed, showed the screen to my wife, and said, “Look how long Kris’s hair is!” She said non-commitally, “Oh, yeah.” He returned his eyes to the screen, and she gave me a meaningful look. We didn’...

When Trans People Oppress Other Trans People

I include everyone who identifies with the gender-nonconforming (or gender-diverse) label, including trans and non-binary folks (both those who do and do not identify with the trans label), as well as gender-diverse cis folks, under the colourful mosaic of gender-nonconformity. If that’s how y...

Why is it that wealthier people walk slower than me?

Last week, my sister said to me she loved that post-Christmas feeling when the kids’ stuff is everywhere in the house … and they play with their new toys and we get to watch them enjoy their new games … I knew what she meant, but, um, not entirely. Why was it that instead o...

Why Do People Kill?

Understanding the mindset of a killer is a complex endeavor that has puzzled psychologists, criminologists, and law enforcement professionals for decades. The psychological landscape of an individual who commits homicide can vary greatly depending on the nature of the crime, personal history, and a ...

Bridging Understanding: Why Trans and Cis People Can Coexist

The journey of transgender individuals is often marked by a quest for self-acceptance and societal understanding. However, a chasm can sometimes exist in the communication and understanding between transgender and cisgender (straight) individuals. This article aims to explore this divide, not to ...

Rich People: “Have kids so they can work for me”

I’ve recently entered my 30’s, so naturally everyone in my life has started asking me when I’m gonna have kids. I’m having to go around with a mental checklist of people I’ve had the tedious inevitable conversation with. I’ve known for a fairly long time that I...

En route 2023 - How Political Parties can win over Young People.

Political apathy of youths in the country is due to several years of mis-representation and distrust. Numerous instances of promise-and-fail by political players have caused significant disengagement of youths from politics and it’s players. However, the story is gradually taking a new tu...

Does Lensa AI think all Asian people look the same?

“Do you know someone who could make an anime portrait of me?” a friend asked months ago. I connected her to an artist who’d done a portrait for another friend of mine, who she then paid to paint her current social media avatar. I feel a little joy every time I see it pop up on I...

Why It's Hard for Some People to Admit the Civil War Was Over Slavery

Like Humpty Dumpty after he fell off the wall, there was a time when America needed to be put back together again after a great fall, the Civil War. Yet, generations later, some people are still unwilling to admit the conflict had anything to do with chattel slavery. Instead, they will lean upon the...

A short history of the Awabakal People

The Awabakal are an Indigenous Australian people who have lived in the Hunter Region of New South Wales for thousands of years. Their traditional lands encompass the area around Lake Macquarie, extending from the coast to the western slopes of the Hunter Valley. The Awabakal are part of the larger W...

Indigenous People Of Europe: They Exist, And There Used To Be More Of Them

The impacts of colonialism on Indigenous cultures have been devastating, resulting in the loss of language, traditions, land, and lives. The negative effects of colonialism are often associated with countries and peoples outside of Europe, we often fail to recognize the Indigenous cultures that e...

My Indigenous Peoples’ Day Wish List

Indigenous Peoples’ Day was October 9 this year. It’s a day giving us all opportunity to pay homage to Indigenous cultures around the world, their sacrifices and contributions to humanity and the earth. Paths abandoned and too often disrespected, in my view. The day’s date, orig...

The White Person’s Definitive Guide To People Of Colour

When you’re a person of colour, and your friend sends you an article entitled “100 Ways White People Can Make Life Less Frustrating For People of Color,” you know it’s going to be rough. Not only because you learn that cynical, race-baiting garbage like this can still rack...

Why Are Black People Always Late?

A pervasive stereotype is the idea that black people are always late. I am not interested in whether or not this is true — I am interested in why this idea arose and why it remains dominant. Animals do not lay awake at night worrying about deadlines. What we call ‘time’ is a hum...

The Thinking Style That Gives Autistic People A Different Approach

When I was at university, writing essays was a special kind of struggle. I would eventually manage to complete them, and sometimes did quite well. But I always suspected that I laboured over them more than was necessary, or at least more than others did. I thought it was just my anxiety compellin...

There’s a Reason You Dislike People Pointing at You

One of my early memories involves standing on the street with my mother as she chatted to somebody. I was eager to move on, as listening to adult conversations can be boring for a child. I tugged at Mom’s skirt, but she was oblivious to my impatience. However, the recollection doesn’t re...

Honestly, People Will Always Have Something to Say.

Ever caught yourself silently critiquing someone’s outfit, their life choices, or even their grocery list? We’ve all been there. Judging seems to be a fundamental part of the human experience, as natural as breathing or blinking. But why do we do it? Are we simply born with ...

The online world makes it harder than ever to protect people from themselves

One of the most controversial issues for society is to what extent certain activities such as gambling and others should be banned, given their demonstrably harmful effects on people prone to addiction. Gambling is enormously difficult to regulate and subject to infinite variations from...

The Toxicity of Should: What Drives Some Sober People Back to Using

On the occasion of the anniversary of the death of Robin Williams, I am reposting an article I’d previously written about Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and could probably have updated when Carrie Fisher died. That said, this is not about celebrities dying. It about what we can learn about addiction...

100 Most Influential People in Psychedelics

I was grateful to have my own work acknowledged (I was #96), but before even opening the article, our team was concerned by the fact that there were some serious names and faces missing. While all of the people in the cover art may have had significant influence on the development of psychedelics, t...

Smartphone vs Smart people

Who are smart people? Smart people are intelligent people, they are quite clever and they have an answer to almost every question and what are smartphones? Smartphones are electronic devices that have made our lives a lot easier. Smartphone with internet facility is like heaven on ear...

The Unfortunate Truth About Asian Beauty Standards

You see, in Canada, I hardly thought about my looks. I had my family and friends. I was healthy, going outside to play a lot, and I was happy. But I started becoming more aware of my looks when I visited Taiwan after living abroad for so long. Because here’s the thing… Taiwanes...

Why Are “Fitness” People So Annoying?

I’m a “fitness”* person. I like to work out, I do it often, and I want to talk about it. Fitness people are annoying. They can be smug, self-righteous, bottomless fonts of unsolicited advice. They enjoy doing what many people dislike and want them to do it, too. I know they...