Why do we need other people’s help to succeed as likeable people?

<p>The only hurdle between you and what you want to be is the support of others.</p> <p>An executive depends on people to carry out his instructions. If they don&#39;t, the managing director will fire the executive, not the employees.</p> <p>Students at school or University depend on the professor to carry forward their educational career.</p> <p>From ThiruKural(Tamil literature )</p> <blockquote> <p>முதலிலார்க் கூதிய மில்லை மதலையாஞ்</p> <p>சார்பிலார்க் கில்லை நிலை.</p> <p>Who owns no principal, can have no gain of usury;Who lacks support of friends, knows no stability</p> <p>There can be no gain to those who have no capital; and in like manner there can be no permanence to</p> </blockquote> <p>There were times in history when a person could gain a position of authority through force.</p> <p>It is time to ask, &ldquo;Granted, I depend on others in order to achieve the success That I want, but what must I do to get these people to support me and accept my leadership?&rdquo;</p> <p>Think right toward people and they will like and support you. Your desire should be well-liked, to enjoy the affection of friends to get along easily and pleasantly with other people and it is one of the fundamentals of human nature.</p> <p>So human relations is to do unto others as you would have others do unto you.&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;The only way to have a friend is to be a friend.- Emerson.&rdquo;</strong></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/motivationfactory/why-do-we-need-other-peoples-help-to-succeed-as-likeable-people-c023a9f4364b"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>