Alcohol brings people closer

<p>Drinking adult beverages has its benefits and drawbacks. Among the latter are dangers of overindulging and getting addicted. They are well known; we all should be responsible when drinking. Among benefits brought by using alcohol &mdash; people get more open, friendly and joyful. Alcohol helps initiate honest conversations, opinion exchanges and discussions that wouldn&rsquo;t have happened otherwise; and as a consequence to make new friends. On several occasions I got an opportunity to get into a situation that illustrates this truth.</p> <p>In December of 2003 my wife and I went to Rome. We have been in Rome once before; on that first occasion though we didn&rsquo;t get a chance to see much. This time around we enjoyed an opportunity to carefully explore Eternal City for the first time. We walked around the city from one site to another; we visited many great museums. Rome is called an &ldquo;Eternal City&rdquo;; this name accurately reflects the status of this city throughout epochs. Its significance for the whole human civilization cannot be overestimated. Only one other city on this planet occupies a comparable place in (by its importance) its significance for the whole of humanity.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: People Closer