Why Are “Fitness” People So Annoying?

<p>I&rsquo;m a &ldquo;fitness&rdquo;<strong>*</strong>&nbsp;person. I like to work out, I do it often, and I want to talk about it.</p> <p>Fitness people are annoying. They can be smug, self-righteous, bottomless fonts of unsolicited advice. They enjoy doing what many people dislike and want them to do it, too. I know they&rsquo;re exasperating because they long exasperated me.</p> <p><em>You&rsquo;re supposed to do this thing that&rsquo;s good for you, but you don&rsquo;t, and I do</em>, fitness people seem to sneer. They want us to Just Do It. They offer that if you have time for scrolling you have time for a workout, #noexcuses! They&rsquo;re just bursting to proclaim that pain is weakness leaving the body! When I didn&rsquo;t Do It or care, I resented them.</p> <p><a href="https://mikala-jamison.medium.com/why-are-fitness-people-so-annoying-87763e143a0e"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Fitness People