Try To Be Honest For God Is The Helper Of Honest People:

<p><strong>The extremely Truthful or Siddīq is one &mdash; who does not lie in any sense and does not perform any action unless he knows that it is right.&nbsp;</strong>And he does not say anything unless he knows it&rsquo;s true.</p> <p>Undoubtedly, such a person sees nothing but the Truth and Reality. Therefore, he is one who sees the reality of things, speaks the Truth, and performs that which is the Truth.</p> <p><strong><em>Those who have Faith in Allah and His Messengers&mdash;it is they who are the Truthful and witnesses with their Lord; they shall have their reward and their light.</em></strong><em>&nbsp;But as For those who are Faithless and deny Our signs, they shall be the inmates of hell.(57: 19)</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Honest People