Why 99% of People Fail to Learn to Code

<h1>Avoid making these crucial mistakes when learning a new programming language, framework, technology etc.</h1> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Aren&rsquo;t you tired of being stuck in tutorials, repeating every process and still failing to finish your project or understand?</p> <p>Do you feel like you&rsquo;re running on a hamster wheel, endlessly repeating the same processes and never making any progress? Well, fear not, because we&rsquo;ve got some tricks up our sleeves that will have you zooming through technology like The Flash.</p> <h1><strong>Avoid Tutorial Hell at all costs.</strong></h1> <p>Oh, Tutorial Hell. It&rsquo;s like being stuck in a never-ending loop of Groundhog Day, except instead of Bill Murray, you have a never-ending supply of programming tutorials. You watch, you learn, you feel like a coding genius. And then, you try to actually apply what you&rsquo;ve learned, and it&rsquo;s like your brain short-circuits. What gives?</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s say you&rsquo;re learning how to build a mobile app using<strong>&nbsp;React Native.</strong>&nbsp;You stumble across a tutorial that walks you through building a simple to-do list app.&nbsp;<strong>You follow along</strong>, everything makes sense, you&rsquo;re feeling pretty good about yourself. But then, when it&rsquo;s time to actually code it yourself,&nbsp;<strong>your brain turns into a bowl of mashed potatoes.&nbsp;</strong>Suddenly, you can&rsquo;t remember anything you just watched.</p> <p>That&rsquo;s where&nbsp;<strong>Tutorial Hell</strong>&nbsp;comes in. It&rsquo;s like being stuck in a never-ending horror movie, except instead of ghosts and goblins, you have an endless stream of coding tutorials. It&rsquo;s easy to get sucked in, but it&rsquo;s hard to break free.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@dogukanozdemir/why-99-of-people-fail-to-learn-to-code-4e1bf0ab4b9c">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Code People