Why Being Fair in the Workplace Means Treating People Differently

<p>I was brought up to know that life is not fair. It certainly is not &mdash; I was born into a situation where, despite plenty of hard times, I have always had food to eat and somewhere warm and dry to live. Millions around the world would love what I have had, and none of us got a choice in where and when we were born.</p> <p>Yet just because life is inherently unfair, it does not in any way mean that we should make no effort to treat each other fairly.&nbsp;We all know that there is much about life that nobody can control, but that does not mean that we should not do the best we can where we do have a choice.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@markpalmer_81150/why-being-fair-in-the-workplace-means-treating-people-differently-a986e081f941"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>