Mapping Mexico City’s Indigenous People

<p><em>&ldquo;They aren&rsquo;t statistics. They are human lives&rdquo;</em>, says Juan Luis Toledo Sanchez, member of the autonomous cooperative Cimarronez (or C.A.C.A.O., by its Spanish acronym), in Mexico City. He is part of the team that, for five years, has been mapping the indigenous people in Mexico&rsquo;s capital.</p> <p>The cartographic map&nbsp;<em>Pueblos originarios: el rostro oculto del ombligo de la luna (Indigenous People: The Hidden Face At The Center Of The Moon)&nbsp;</em>made by the Cimarronez, shows the presence of the indigenous people in Mexico City, something that not even the State or non-profit organizations made before in the country, even though Mexico is one of the most diverse nations in the world in relation with its indigenous cultures.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>