Rich People: “Have kids so they can work for me”

<p>I&rsquo;ve recently entered my 30&rsquo;s, so naturally everyone in my life has started asking me when I&rsquo;m gonna have kids. I&rsquo;m having to go around with a mental checklist of people I&rsquo;ve had the tedious inevitable conversation with.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve known for a fairly long time that I don&rsquo;t want to have kids. I remember saying it in a class at school, around age 14 (I can&rsquo;t remember the context) and everyone was shocked. I can&rsquo;t really explain why. I just don&rsquo;t want them. Its just a feeling. I&rsquo;ve only ever considered having them when I&rsquo;ve had blips in my mental health over the years and been experiencing an existential crisis, and solving a personal mental health problem isn&rsquo;t exactly a good reason to have kids. I personally think you should only have kids if you really REALLY want them. Otherwise the kid is gonna grow up feeling unwanted, and that&rsquo;s just not right in my opinion.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Rich People