When Trans People Oppress Other Trans People

<p>I include everyone who identifies with the gender-nonconforming (or gender-diverse) label, including trans and non-binary folks (both those who do and do not identify with the trans label), as well as gender-diverse cis folks, under the colourful mosaic of gender-nonconformity. If that&rsquo;s how you identify, that&rsquo;s how I will identify you.</p> <p>Butch cis dykes, femme trans men, gender-nonconforming cis dudes, agender lesbians, non-binary gays, tomboy transfemmes, dolls, queens, closeted genderqueers and everyone in-between.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/prismnpen/when-trans-people-oppress-other-trans-people-32cffaca9aa5"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: People Oppress