There’s a Reason You Dislike People Pointing at You

<p>One of my early memories involves standing on the street with my mother as she chatted to somebody. I was eager to move on, as listening to adult conversations can be boring for a child. I tugged at Mom&rsquo;s skirt, but she was oblivious to my impatience. However, the recollection doesn&rsquo;t remain in my psyche because I was fed up with waiting. The event solidified in my mind since, when referring to me while talking, my mom repeatedly pointed her finger at me.</p> <p>I never liked being the recipient of finger-pointing. Somehow, it disturbed me. Even when the gesture arose from someone pointing me out in a crowd, I found the experience unpleasant. Of course, I was too young then to know why something so simple, and supposedly engaged in without ill intent, upset me.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>