Tag: culture

How to build a culture of code quality

A code quality culture is essential to stay ahead of your competition. High code quality ensures your codebase is maintainable, scalable, and efficient. While a culture of code quality is an internal aspect of your engineering team, it directly affects your end users. High-quality code allows you to...

How to Build an On-Call Culture in a Data Engineering Team

Atany company, one of the best ways to gain and retain customers is to deliver excellent services, meaning the service should be healthy and functional whenever the customers access it. To achieve this, the tech industry introduced on-call duty which was often associated with doctors in the past. ...

Find Startup Success in the Wild West Spirit of Startup Culture

The best startups have a culture that encourages a bit of lawless gunslingin’ — which is fitting because startups are a little like the Wild West of the business world, where dreams are chased, fortunes are made (or lost), and where chaos and conflict, if harnessed right, can be your tru...

6 Ways I Sabotaged My Own Startup’s Culture

Over the many years which I had my last business, our culture went from truly amazing to absolutely toxic. At one stage, we had a culture so fantastic that one guy literally burst into tears when I told him he could join us. We were the envy of everyone. I have heard many a story since of founder...

The Essence of Japanese Culture: An Intense Obsession with Form?

Oscar Wilde wrote in 1889, “In fact the whole of Japan is a pure invention. There is no such country, there are no such people.” Japanese culture has been Orientalized, romanticized, and exoticized for over a hundred years. The result? Much of the (Western?) world has come to think th...

What If You’re Just Not Meant For Hustle Culture?

Weare all constantly bombarded with messages that celebrate busyness, productivity, and the relentless pursuit of our goals. We are taught that success comes to those who are willing to sacrifice their personal lives, leisure time, and even their mental and physical well-being in the relentless p...

So When, Exactly, Did Conspiracy Culture Stop Being Fun?

A few weeks ago, I was trying to see if I could fix my YouTube suggestion algorithm to see if it could start recommending videos I might actually like instead of constantly trying to force-feed me right wing garbage. As it had been frequently observed to do. I deleted fifteen years of viewing h...

What I Liked About Vietnamese Culture As A Tourist

Vietnamese culture is influenced by Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Families are highly valued, and the elders are given a lot of reverence and respect. Vietnam has a rich tradition of ancestor worship, with families offering prayers to their ancestors on special holidays. There are some s...

Our Culture will Collapse by 2030. (26)

When I was seventeen, in 1955, my dad, working at Lockheed Aircraft, as an Upholstery Trimmer, was able to buy a modest 3 Br. house in Glendale, with a rental in the back for $12,500, 4 — 5 times his annual salary, while mom ran the household for the four of us. They had a paid for ‘...

Why America’s Hustle Culture Might Kill Us Before Anything Else Does

Just like every year, I took much of August off. In many — if not most – European countries, this is still a pretty normal and common thing to do. Actually, it existed for long enough for some historians to start calling it a ‘tradition.’ When I used to work for an...

The Irony of Indonesian Reading Culture

“What book do you read now?” asked my Dutch friend every morning. To give you some context, I have been living with her since the 1st of May, we share a room and a bed. We have a research collaboration in Central Borneo thus consequently we will be together in almost a month to finish th...

The Global Default: Do Americans Have a Culture?

Hallyu, is a term that refers to the growing global popularity of South Korean entertainment and pop-culture. Once viewed as second rate in comparison to American and Japanese entertainment, South Korean music, television, movies, brand names and fashion has won millions of new fans across the world...

What If You’re Just Not Meant For Hustle Culture?

Weare all constantly bombarded with messages that celebrate busyness, productivity, and the relentless pursuit of our goals. We are taught that success comes to those who are willing to sacrifice their personal lives, leisure time, and even their mental and physical well-being in the relentless p...

Gay Men Need To Shed Ourselves of Purity Culture

Asthis year’s Pride Month winds down, I keep coming back to the same brain-twisting quandary. Our LGBT+ community has always been stigmatized — and we continue to endure that. But why? What role, if any, do we play in our own marginalization? Obviously, I’m not saying that ...

The Frozen Culture: How Capital Markets Fractured Our Cultural Evolution

Think with me about the entrenched ideologies of capital markets. Those of which have restricted cultural dynamism in recent decades, I am arguing that we must loosen this systemic grip through boundary-pushing creativity and grassroots reimagining of values to revitalize cultural identities. Cul...

Our Culture will Collapse by 2030. (4)

In the past 3 articles I wrote. about why we’re here, and what you can do to endure the coming changes. The shrinking population. There are 9 billion people on this Blue Marble we call Earth. That’s just not sustainable. Half live in the Areas of India, Bangladesh, and China. We wi...

5 questions that reveal if a company has a healthy workplace culture

“How do you know if a company’s culture is good?” Last week, a friend who’s looking for a new job asked me this. She’d been doing a few interviews, and was trying to figure out what questions to ask during her interviews to discern if a potential employer’s wor...

How AI Can Boost Employee Engagement and Transform Your Workplace Culture.

Did you know that according to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report only 21% of employees worldwide are engaged with their work? That means the remaining 79% either don’t care or are actively disengaged — costing businesses billions each year in lost produc...

What is the Fastest and Most Effective Way to Change an Organization’s Culture?

What is Company Culture? The definition of organizational culture is debated to say the least. I would put it very simply as how things are done (or not done) in an organization. There are multiple ways in which the culture manifests itself, such as how decisions are made, how teams interact with...

The 5 C’s of Employee Engagement: Strategies to Create a Winning Culture

Committed and engaged employees can provide a significant competitive edge to companies by boosting productivity and reducing employee turnover. It’s no wonder that organizations of all types and sizes have invested considerably in implementing policies and practices that promote employee enga...

The Long Game of Employee Investment: Nurturing a Culture of Growth and Loyalty

The question of investing in new hires and their potential departure within a few years is a valid concern. But consider this: every investment, wisely made, carries the promise of exponential returns.  Seeds of Success: Every new hire is a seed of potential success. By nurturing their...

Culture of Collaboration for Better Teams

Intoday’s world, diversity has become a key factor for success in any organization. Embracing diversity in teams brings a multitude of benefits, including a variety of perspectives, increased creativity, and improved problem-solving capabilities. When individuals from different backgrounds ...

High-Performance Team - Building a feedback-driven culture

TLDR: Feedback-driven culture is pivotal in retaining talent, improving performances, and driving winning results. If you want to improve or know more, read on! In the knowledge industry, most of the personal development or personal growth is driven by a feedback loop from the rest of the sys...

3 Ways to Better Support Employee’s Individual Needs Using “Ask” vs. “Guess” Culture

The concept of Love Languages receives a lot of attention in society, but it isn’t applicable when it comes to the workplace. Instead, I use the concept of Ask vs. Guess culture to help me be a more thoughtful, empathetic, and effective leader. What does the heck does “Ask vs. Guess C...

Hiring: The Foundation of Your Culture

Let’s talk about something that’s been gnawing at my brain lately. Something that’s often overlooked, underestimated, and, well, let’s face it, misunderstood. Company culture. That elusive, nebulous concept that everyone’s talking about but few seem to truly grasp....

Does your organization have a culture of mediocrity?

Have you ever worked somewhere and noticed that things never seemed to improve, or if they did improve, it wasn’t by much? Have you ever wanted to improve something, only to find that the organization seemed optimized to frustrate its own ambitions? It’s possible that organization has...

The Last Word: Navigating The ‘’One-Up’’ Culture in Meetings

While some meetings feel like productive brainstorming sessions, others feel like an Olympic event where the main sport is “one-upping.” You know what I’m talking about: that irresistible urge some people have to always get the last word in or to prove they are the smartest person ...

The Culture: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art in the 21st Century

Jay Z’s Picasso Baby is just one of hundreds of hip-hop songs that heavily reference the world of modern and contemporary art. Picasso, Rothko, Koons, Baquiat, and Warhol make an appearance as Jay Z positions his role as a rapper within the celebratory pantheon of artistic greatness:...

Religion and its hold on contemporary pop-culture and art: David LaChapelle

Art, by its very nature, remains to be a nuanced and subjective experience for each individual audience member, thus, as society progresses, notions of what qualifies an artwork as ‘valuable’ continue to come into question. Known for his eccentric album covers and commentary on celebrity...

Illustrator Aurélie Salmon Lahad in Conversation with Travel & Culture Salon

Aurélie is a French freelance illustrator based in Lille, France. She lives there with her husband, two daughters, and their labrador, Elvis. She and I met about ten years ago when we were both ex-pats in Amsterdam. Our children attended the French lycée together, and our daughters wer...

Amman — A City of Street Art and Culture

Last week, while walking through the streets of Amman, Jordan, I looked up to take a picture of the scenary around me, and behold, a fantastic street art was looking down at me. Amman, otherwise known as the white city, is the world's oldest and most consistently inhabited city, initially fou...

Overview of the vibrant street art culture in Nairobi.

Nairobi’s street art culture is vibrant and diverse, reflecting the city’s diverse cultures and communities. Street art can be found throughout the city, in the central business district, and in many neighborhoods. Some famous street art locations include Paa ya Paa Arts Centre, the Kibe...

How Top Twitch Streamer “Asmongold” Got Me to Appreciate Gamer Culture (Part One)

Despite being born at the perfect age to enjoy console gaming, or perhaps because of it, I never really got the appeal of massively multiplayer online role-playing games like World of Warcraft. From the time I was six years old, struggling like heck to navigate my way through The Legend of...

E-Tips to create E-tipping culture in UAE

New platform seeks to expand the “gratitude” of customers beyond waiters and delivery staff. Enjoying a delicious meal in a restaurant might seem incomplete if you can’t show your gratitude to the person responsible for cooking your food. However, Michael Lvov, CEO of E-Tips,...

Amsterdam Culture — Coffee Shop vs Cafe

Whereas in most cities the terms are interchangeable, in Amsterdam, there’s definitely a distinction between a “coffee shop” & a “cafe.” The importance of this distinction depends entirely on your mood, sense of adventure, & probationary status. “Re...

Serafio: The City of Athens’ complex of sports, culture and innovation.

At the very beginning of this exciting experience, we had the opportunity to find out more about Serafio, a modern center of Sport, Culture and Innovation of the Municipality of Athens. Located in the center of Athens, Serafio is the new urban destination and offers Athenians new opportunities ...

Culture and People: This is Athens!

At the beginning of 2018, while studying Cultural Management at Panteion University, one of our graduate courses got us thinking about cities. Under the lead of Professor Betty Tsakarestou, who is the project initiator of the Athens Co-Creation City Branding Project, we started discussing ...

“Culture of cement” vandalizing Partenon

The project, titled “Configurating the Routes in the archeological site of the Acropolis for people with mobility difficulties”, was unanimously approved by the Central Archaeological Council (KAS) in May. It includes cementing areas on the ancient hill as well as an elevator for the dis...

Barcelona: A Vibrant Tapestry of Culture, Art, and History

Barcelona, the enchanting city nestled along the northeastern coast of Spain, is a mesmerizing destination that seamlessly blends history, art, and a zestful way of life. As one of Europe’s most beloved cities, Barcelona offers a rich tapestry of cultural experiences, architectural wonders, an...

Barcelona: A City of Art, Culture, and Gastronomy

Barcelona is a city of sun-kissed beaches, exuberant art, culture, and gastronomy. This article explores Gaudi’s vibrant dreams, the city’s captivating art and culture, and its irresistible gastronomy. A City of Art, Culture, and Gastronomy Barcelona is a city of sun-kissed beaches, ...

Coffee and Emirati Culture: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity

Dubai, with its rich cultural heritage and thriving modernity, is a city that seamlessly blends tradition with innovation. One aspect where this fusion is evident is in the Emirati coffee culture. Coffee has deep roots in Emirati traditions and holds a significant place in Emirati hospitality. In th...

An analysis of Hong Kong’s high school tutoring culture

Students in Hong Kong are often found rushing to cram schools or tutorial centres. These centres tend to have tight and intense schedules, as they hope to include all physical classes for all subjects by different star tutors within the few hours after school. These 1–2 hours lessons can be...

Hong Kong Name Culture Explained

Many people know that Hong Kongers like to refer to each other with “English names” instead of their birth name in Cantonese, and it is not what I want to tackle here, rather the question many people unfamiliar with Hong Kong have asked, “Why don’t you tell me your Chinese na...

Embracing Dutch Culture

Greetings! It’s been an incredible journey since I embarked on a life-changing adventure with my family, leaving behind the vibrant city of Hong Kong and immersing ourselves in the picturesque city of Utrecht, located in the heart of the Netherlands. In this blog post, I want to share my ex...

Istanbul: The Jewel of History and Culture

Istanbul, a city where history, culture, and breathtaking views converge, continues to captivate visitors with its unique allure. Over the centuries, this magnificent city has hosted various civilizations, exuding its distinctive spirit in every corner. A Historical Journey: Throughout its histor...

Istanbul: A Vibrant City of Contrasts and Culture

Istanbul, also known as Constantinople, is one of the most fascinating cities in the world. It is a city where two continents, Europe and Asia, meet, and where ancient history blends seamlessly with modernity. Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey and the fifth-largest city in t...

Photos: The vida loca of East L.A. teen gang culture in the 90s

East L.A. in the early 90s: Gangsta’ rap infiltrated the airwaves and the War on Drugs was in full swing. While the rest of the country watched the Rodney King riots on TV, young Angelenos saw themselves being simultaneously celebrated and vilified on the national stage. Pop ...

Food Culture in the LA Hood

Whenever there’s a highlight of a local restaurant in LA, it’s always an elegant, upscale location. Not that there’s anything wrong with elegant or upscale, but to put it eloquently, people wanna grub! Nine times out of 10, this high-class establishment was recommended by eith...

Create a climbing culture in your city!

It’s 6:30am, sunrise, the morning is crisp. I’m out on the streets bright and energized, in a new city, on a new adventure, full of excitement. As I hop off the tram a few hundred metres from my destination I am guided gently down the street by a cool Spring breeze. I zig zag throu...

Cuts to coverage will hurt our culture

ONE of Martin Boulton’s proudest moments as a journalist was convincing a former editor-in-chief of The Age to revive the paper’s iconic EG music and entertainment lift out. EG — short for Entertainment Guide — had been pushed aside in favour of&nb...

Streetwear Culture in Atlanta, Chicago, and Miami: A Comparative Analysis

Streetwear, a fashion movement that emerged from the urban landscapes, has become a global phenomenon, influencing the way people express themselves through clothing. Cities like Atlanta, Chicago, and Miami have played significant roles in shaping and evolving the streetwear culture. This essay expl...

Discover the Vibrant Culture and Attractions of Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is a city that boasts of a rich history, culture, and natural landscapes, making it an exciting destination for tourists and travelers from all over the world. In this article, we will explore the history, geography, culture, attractions, food, and transportation in Rio de Janeiro, as...


Plan to samba the night away in Rio at Carnaval (9-13 Feb)? Or do some business over your Caipirinha? Don’t until you can answer the following Culture Quiz questions on Brazilian culture! (Answers at the end of the quiz! Whew!) You are pleased to be in Rio, on your first business trip th...

Culture Shock

One of the very first things I wanted to talk about is culture shock. It’s ironic because you’d think I’m used to it by now; with summer trips to America in high school and a consistent six years of living in southern California. I am and I’m not. That’s why it’s ...

Tokyo After Dark: Dive into Japan’s Unique Club Culture!

Hello, party enthusiasts! Sonja von Raschke here, and I’m about to whisk you away to the neon-lit streets of Tokyo. If you thought Japan was all about serene temples and cherry blossoms, think again! Tokyo’s nightlife is a pulsating blend of tradition and modernity. Ready for the Mosh Pi...

Religion, Culture and Unreasonable Expectations

Toronto, Canada: It was a beautiful Sunday morning. I had headed to the beautiful and warm Nigerian church I was attending at the time to sing, dance and listen to the word of God. Overall, I was looking forward to fellowshipping with others. As I stepped out of my car heading to the church entra...

Rice and Culture: How this Simple Grain Shapes the Culinary Traditions of Different Societies

The importance of rice in many cultures is evident in the many rituals and ceremonies associated with its cultivation and consumption. In Japan, for example, the planting and harvesting of rice are accompanied by traditional ceremonies that involve the entire community. In many African cultures, ric...

Reverse Culture Shock

We moved from Karachi, Pakistan to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in July of 1979. For my Dad, a Foreign Service Officer, Vancouver was one of his dream postings and he was absolutely thrilled with the new assignment. Me, not so much. We had been in Karachi for two years, for my freshman ...

Our Culture will Collapse by 2030. (89)

James Hansen of Columbia University in the US, published a paper with his colleagues in November, which claims temperatures are set to rise further and faster than the predictions of the Intergovern-mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In his view, the 1.5°C target is dead. Michael Mann fro...

“Modesty Culture” Leads to Rape Culture

All through my childhood and adolescence, my Christian school and church taught me that it is the duty of the woman to cover her body so that the man will not look upon her lustfully and consequently “stumble” (another word for “sin.”) From an early age, I was taught that ...

Purity Culture Shackled Me in Shame but I’m Finally Free

We kneeled at the altar on Sundays, asking God to take away our desire and make us pure. We confided in each other when we lost self-control and worried we’d never be able to tame ourselves from feeling how we did. To feel how we did was to be human, but religious doctrine and the church soon ...

Regional Diversity in building a resilient Cybersecurity Culture

We all understand that in the present-day, the importance of a strong cybersecurity culture in organizations cannot be overstated. Nevertheless, one area that is sometimes ignored is how regional cultures affect the development and improvement of cybersecurity best practices. By comprehend...

Create an Engaging Culture in a Remote-first Team

The trend towards remote work has been gaining momentum over the past few years, but the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this shift dramatically. Many startups have found themselves operating with a remote-first mindset, relying on digital communication and collaboration tools to keep their teams ...

Recognizing the impact of culture in inclusive communication

Cultural sensitivity is a fundamental aspect of effective communication, particularly for speaking professionals aiming to create inclusive and impactful experiences for their audiences, as recognizing and respecting the diverse cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and values of audience members allows fo...

How the Dominant Culture Protects Itself by Granting the Illusion of Acceptance

I’ve heard quite a bit about the Black Card, in its modern usage as opposed to how it was first used. The Race Card is often used to dismiss complaints related to race as if they have no merit. This story is about the White Card, which is a means to an end. Every successful Black person I k...

Feminist Culture Club — 2023 Top Picks in Film, TV, Podcasts, and Books

Popular culture expressed through art, literature, sound, and film, can be a powerful way to explore women’s diverse perspectives, challenge harmful stereotypes, and advocate for positive change. But given the vast array of content released every year, it can be difficult to navigate the wealt...

The Culture of Character Assassination amongst Women in Politics

Sexism and Gender Stereotypes — Women in politics often face remarks and stereotypes questioning their competence based on traditional gender roles. Comments on appearance or attempts to associate them with emotional stereotypes can undermine their credibility. Double Standards —...

Unpicking The Culture Of Misogyny And Abuse Within The Yachting Industry

Since June 2020, I have been gathering stories and interviewing crew members about their experiences of abuse onboard superyachts. These stories range from rape and sexual assault to more subtle forms of bullying and manipulation. I have also witnessed this culture firsthand as a crew member, a cult...

What kind of village culture is it to pour cow dung over a woman?

The last couple of weeks I have been exposed to the terribly ghastly promos of a terrible ghastly Marathi show called Jau Bai Gavat (Let us go to the village). This show takes city girls (pampered and entitled as per the promos) to a village and makes them slog and sweat labouring over waking u...

Our Culture will Collapse by 2030. (114)

The Limits to growth, the definitive analysis by MIT in 1971 has an update In November ‘23 titled World3. “B” mentions it in his well documented a post on Medium today. Read “2025: A Civilizational Tipping Point“ by B on Medium: Tracking the many inter-connections...

America Is a Country In Love With Guns. That Makes Gun Control More Important, Not Less.

“The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.” I’ve been thinking about that quote, which is from D.H. Lawrence’s Studies in Classic American Literature, a lot in the weeks since the Buffalo and, then, Uvalde shootings, part...

You’re Not From Texas: US Gun Culture, Part Five

It’s important to note that not everyone with mental health issues poses a threat to themselves or society. In the wake of the Uvalde school shooting in May 2022, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said, “Anybody who shoots somebody else has a mental health challenge.” Mental health expert...

Canadian Culture

Nearly 20% of the total Canadian population is made up of the immigrant permanent residents as of 2023 (Statista.com). Out of these immigrants 70% are white populations and highest in minority groups are South Asians (statcan.gc.ca). Although in India, we hear the news of students going to Canada so...

What is a culture shock?

Culture shock is the disorientation individuals may feel when exposed to a new cultural environment, often due to immigration, travel, or a shift in social surroundings. It involves distinct phases like honeymoon, negotiation, adjustment, and adaptation. Common challenges include information overloa...

How to Lose Your Culture in 40 Years

“Papa was born in France.” That was about the size of it. That’s what my Mama told me, in perfect English. I was maybe six years old. That, of course, was never the whole story — it never is. We don’t have time to really process the entirety of what was lost bet...

Tribal Libraries Support Culture and Craft in American Indian Communities

Libraries play an essential role in preserving indigenous history and cultural identity. Libraries and the individuals working therein have always tried to teach, support, and empower their communities by providing information and resources. Because April is American Indian Awareness Month, le...

The black community doesn’t always have to focus on pop culture

Whenever I hear about the supposed black community or black issues, I know that most of the time it’s going to be coming from or be talking about celebrities and pop culture. That’s basically what people are referring to most of the time when they’re talking about black culture, in...

Oppression: Normalcy Bias vs. Outrage Culture

If you search #justiceforMohbad #Mohbad or “Mohbad” on your social media accounts or the internet or just search for Mohbad using any search engine, you will come across inundating content about a music artist from Nigeria, real name, Promise Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Aloba, a 27-year-old who...

How Anti-Blackness Shows Up in Corporate Culture

Anti-Blackness is a pervasive issue that affects Black people in many aspects of their lives, including the workplace. The experiences of Black employees in the workplace are often shaped by systemic racism, implicit bias, and microaggressions. Here are 5 ways anti-Blackness manifests in the workpla...

Stop Supporting Tiki Culture

I do Uber Eats to pay my bills and often I come across restaurants who participate in tiki culture. The most recent being Hawaiian Bros Island Grill. Two White men founded a restaurant chain that touts Aloha, pineapples, surfboards and the Cheeseburger in Paradise playlist on repeat. ...

“White People Have No Culture”

Have you ever heard this statement? It may be in a well-intentioned, lightly mocking way by a non-white friend. Or, it could even by a self-deprecating white person who thinks that stating as such makes them seem “woke” and supportive of non-white communities. Ah, yes. We all know the...

Addressing white Dominant Culture in Creating a Racially Just Organizational Culture

In the publication, Transforming Organizations by Operationalizing Racial Justice, I use the terms white dominant culture and white dominant behaviors using the definition that Gita Gulati-Partee and I shared in an article we co-wrote in 2014. White dominant culture “refers...

The “Bastards” Motorcycle Club Is Redefining Racist Biker Culture

They showed up wearing all black, covered in tattoos and making more noise than any of the white supremacist groups at the Ku Klux Klan rally earlier this month at the South Carolina statehouse in Columbia. The patches on their vests read “Bastards,” a title members of this motorcycle cl...

The Role of Ganja in Rastafari Culture

In Jamaica during the early 1930’s, Rastafari began as a socio-religious movement that formed to reject the “hegemonic and homogenizing British imperial culture that dominated Jamaica’s colonial society” and also to create an identity that would re-appropriate African heritag...

This Is Your Mind on Plants Summary: Understanding the Science and Culture of Psychedelics

The book is divided into three separate essays, each exploring a different aspect of psychoactive plants. Pollan delves into the history, science, and cultural significance of these substances, and how they can be used to expand our minds and improve our lives. He also introduces the idea of plan...

Culture for Innovation. Or, Where Do Ideas Come From?

The Seeds of Creativity Much like the inception of an idea depicted in the eponymous film, where thoughts are planted and germinate within the mind, the genesis of innovation often originates from the fertile soil of preexisting concepts. Reading Literature Could Spark New Ideas in You Cons...

Facts About Yoruba Culture

Yoruba culture is one of the fascinating culture you may want to get acquainted with as a student of culture or someone who is passionate about understanding the source of people around them. If you understand the Yoruba culture, you are close to understanding the Yoruba people. The Yoruba people ar...

Sumerian Culture: A Window into Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization

The Sumerian civilization, which flourished in ancient Mesopotamia around 4000 BCE, has a rich and fascinating cultural heritage that continues to captivate people to this day. From the invention of writing and the wheel, to the development of sophisticated irrigation systems and the creation of epi...

Family and Food: The Heartwarming Connection in Hispanic Culinary Culture

The captivating allure of Hispanic cuisine lies not only in its tantalizing flavors but also in the deeply rooted connection it has with family and community. In this blog post, we’ll embark on a heartwarming exploration of how Hispanic culinary culture is intertwined with the bonds of fami...

Culture Shock: How Living in a Different Culture Can Change You

We often view our world through the eyes of our mother and father. As a child it is always what they say seem to be true to us. And sometimes these beliefs exist and make their place deep within our consciousness. We still believe most of what they have taught us to be true till date. But we cann...

How 70s & 80s Ballads Have Stayed Relevant in Today’s Pop Culture

Ballads are one of the most enthralling music styles. They force us to sing along and weep with overwhelming emotion. There’s no doubt the 70s and 80s are two iconic music eras where ballads shined brightest. Besides social media being a main source of relevancy, other factors kept classic ...

Culture & Socialization, A Review

In particular, we talk about how culture does the work of social solidarity: we become more likely to be committed to social structures when we have a culture around the structure. For example: if we value (culture) respecting property we are more likely to support/follow the laws (structure) about ...

The Do’s and Don’ts of Eastern European Dating Culture

The cosmopolitan cities and quaint mountain villages of Eastern Europe hold many charms, and among them is the promise of adventure…and love. So if you’re one of many hopefuls who find yourself searching for The One somewhere over those vast, wintry landscapes, I can’t say that...

Food Culture in Taiwan: A Comprehensive Guide

Taiwanese cuisine has a rich history that dates back to the Qing Dynasty, which ruled over Taiwan from 1683 to 1895. During this period, immigrants from China brought their culinary traditions with them, resulting in a blend of Hakka, Fujianese, and Cantonese cuisine. The Japanese colonial period fr...

A Celebration of Culture & Nature: A Photo Journey through Uttarakhand — Grow-Trees Blog

My first trip to our plantation site in Uttarakhand offered a chance to give back to the land. Participating in the ongoing reforestation efforts, I planted a tiny sapling that symbolises so much more. I felt a sense of responsibility towards the environment. Sharing the Joy   My h...

How to Save a Culture

Courage is needed to publicly admit that the problem exists. Many people will not like the suggestion that past societies had better cultures and are worth returning to. It takes courage to speak up, have faith in one’s argument and endure ad homine...

Exploring the Rich Heritage and Culture of Tulunadu

Tulunadu, also known as Tulu Nadu, is a region in the southwestern part of India, where culture, history, and tradition converge to create a unique and vibrant identity. This article delves into the rich heritage of Tulunadu, exploring its history, culture, language, and the significance it holds in...

Indian culture and tradition.

India is the land of agriculture. 70% of the total land area is covered with agriculture. Farming is the main occupation here. Over 65% to 70% of people are farmers.Like, farming India is also famous for its culture and tradition too. One of the oldest and the most unique cultures in all over...

A Preface to Exploring the Intersection of Culture and Fashion

You may wonder what sparked this particular blog journey and the topic that will be discussed. Well, let me tell you! I am a passionate writer, with the curiosity to learn about the interconnection of fashion, history, and culture. Especially being a student abroad, I am allowed to explore and learn...

The Origins and Growth of Sneaker Culture

In the late 19th century, rubber-soled shoes were coined as “sneaks” due to their silent step, allowing wearers to “sneak” around unnoticed — a fact unknown to many contemporary sneaker enthusiasts. This quiet evolution of footwear has since exploded into a global cultu...

Mainstream Culture Beauty Trends

Welcome to the world of beauty trends! In this article, we will delve into the ever-evolving landscape of beauty and uncover the latest trends that are shaping mainstream culture. From skincare to makeup, haircare to fragrance, and everything in between, we will guide you through the exciting world ...

The Significance of Makeup in Ancient Egyptian Culture

The splendor of ancient Egyptian civilization has captivated historians, archaeologists, and enthusiasts for centuries. One aspect that stands out prominently in the cultural tapestry of ancient Egypt is the pervasive use of makeup. Beyond mere adornment, makeup in ancient Egypt held multifaceted si...

What role do swallows play in Chinese culture?

### What role do swallows play in Chinese culture? Did you know? In Chinese culture, swallows are a symbol of feminine grace and beauty. In fact, the main character in one of the most popular Chinese-Taiwanese period dramas back in the 1990s was named Little Sparrow: 小燕子 (xiǎo yà...

‘Dos Mujeres’ is a triumphant celebration of Latin culture at SF Ballet

Inher first season as artistic director at San Francisco Ballet, Tamara Rojo has proven she is a force to be reckoned with — a creative pushing boundaries and heralding an era of firsts. One of these firsts was observed on April 4, with the opening of Dos Mujeres, a double bill featuring ...

Top 5 Facts on Peruvian Culture

When meeting for the first time, Peruvians will often shake hands. According to Rischmoller, “When you get to know each other better, men will often pat each other on the back and women will kiss each other on one cheek. If you are a man meeting a woman for the first time, let the woman i...