High-Performance Team - Building a feedback-driven culture

<blockquote> <p>T<strong>LDR: Feedback-driven culture is pivotal in retaining talent, improving performances, and driving winning results. If you want to improve or know more, read on!</strong></p> </blockquote> <p>In the knowledge industry, most of the personal development or personal growth is driven by a feedback loop from the rest of the system. There are other obvious factors like business outcomes and opportunities but even when these are present, growth happens only when there is a feedback loop.</p> <p>This post is for everyone in the knowledge industry and for leaders to create this culture of being feedback-driven at every point in the system. The feedback-driven culture I am referring to here includes the people and the system.</p> <p>I already wrote about&nbsp;<a href="https://mandarakale.medium.com/performance-management-shift-from-a-black-box-to-a-white-box-8334614d7626" rel="noopener">performance management</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href="https://mandarakale.medium.com/goal-setting-demystified-b8c665264fb3" rel="noopener">goal setting</a>&nbsp;in my previous posts and this post is about being more feedback-driven. Feedback is an important part of your performance management. This also helps to re-calibrate anything going wrong in the expectation setting and goal setting in performance management.</p> <p>Feedback generally has a negative connotation but I will elaborate on all the types of feedback to uncover that feedback is not necessarily only negative. As you will see, two out of the three below are positive in nature. Let us go deeper.</p> <p><a href="https://mandarakale.medium.com/high-performance-team-building-a-feedback-driven-culture-39d6e71e13b6"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Driven culture