Our Culture will Collapse by 2030. (114)

<p>The Limits to growth, the definitive analysis by MIT in 1971 has an update In November &lsquo;23 titled World3. &ldquo;B&rdquo; mentions it in his well documented a post on Medium today.</p> <p>Read &ldquo;2025: A Civilizational Tipping Point&ldquo; by B on Medium:</p> <p>Tracking the many inter-connections between five key factors: non renewable natural resources, persistent pollution, population, food production and industrial output, it established various scenarios. The latest assessment in &ldquo;World3, or Business As Usual (BAU)&rdquo; details the sources that will fail, by when, and by how much.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@janslort/our-culture-will-collapse-by-2030-114-de73c6d5fa8c"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: culture