Illustrator Aurélie Salmon Lahad in Conversation with Travel & Culture Salon

<p>Aur&eacute;lie is a French freelance illustrator based in Lille, France. She lives there with her husband, two daughters, and their labrador, Elvis. She and I met about ten years ago when we were both ex-pats in Amsterdam. Our children attended the French lyc&eacute;e together, and our daughters were friends.</p> <p>From afar, I admired Aur&eacute;lie&rsquo;s quiet, sophisticated manner. As I got to know her, I was taken with her kindness and talent. Her artwork is joyful and chic, evoking a sense of tranquility. One of my favorite gifts was a small hand-drawn illustration of Amsterdam that Aur&eacute;lie gave me as a going-away present when our family moved back to the U.S.</p> <p>A couple of years ago, I reached out to Aur&eacute;lie to help me come up with a signature look for my new business. She designed the logo for Travel &amp; Culture Salon and the cover art for all my courses. We&rsquo;ve been working together ever since!</p> <p>I was excited to invite Aur&eacute;lie to kick off this interview series to highlight her beautiful artwork and hear more about her journey as an artist. I&rsquo;m grateful she talked candidly about moments of feeling stuck and insecure. We all have self-doubt, and Aur&eacute;lie&rsquo;s story reminds us that it&rsquo;s okay to go ahead and believe the people who are telling us we&rsquo;re doing a good job. Her story also reminds us that the path to living our authentic selves may be characterized by periods of stepping back, along with moments when we harness budding confidence and go for it. Even if we&rsquo;re terrified.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Travel culture