Tag: Brain

Using Notion As My Second Brain

Since my recent productivity article about Evernote, I felt the need to revisit Notion. All this started when YouTube started suggesting videos about Notion. The wonders of internet tracking and privacy! But at least this time it was for the best. I came across a method by Tiago Forte w...

Brain entanglement.

There is no scientific evidence or established theory that supports the possibility of connecting human brains to each other through quantum entanglement or any other means. Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon in quantum physics where two particles become correlated in such a way that the state of ...

A Harvard Brain Researcher Warns You Against These Top 5 Deadly Brain-Destroying Habits

Healthy brain habits boost your cognition and memory but they won’t help if you don’t give up bad habits that damage your brain health. The effects of bad habits will always outweigh the effects of good habits. Giving up bad habits is the first step to improving your brain health. ...

How Noise Can Affect the Brain Health and What We Can Do About It

Coming from a cognitive science research background, I wrote many articles about the brain, cognitive performance, and mental health. You may access these stories via this comprehensive list. In this post, I delve into an environmental factor (noise) adversely affecting the brain, cognitive fun...

9 habits that damage your brain,

Welcome Dear Readers In today’s talk we will talk about 9 bad habits we impose on ourselves.In our relentless pursuit of personal growth, we often find ourselves clinging to habits that hinder our growth. They become obstacles.To truly transform our lives, we must confront and overcome th...

This Is How You Can Unlock Your Brain’s Hidden Superpower

You know the first thing I do after I wake up nowadays? Check my Medium. The growth? Oh, I love it! I still remember when I started being consistent on Medium, i.e. on 21st July 2023, I had 4 followers. I don’t know how, but I thought. Let’s see what happens if I become consiste...

Listening to your heart which only listens to your brain.

The heart is the only anatomical organ that has received the honour of maintaining the limelight alongside human beings as their symbolic image. When in love your heart beats, when in despair your heart breaks. Kindness apparently comes from bigger hearts, some claim to have given away their hearts ...

You Delete Brain Fog From Your Life Completely With These 5 Small Tweaks

I envy poeple who wake up with a smiley face and high energy levels. I both hate and admire their routine. As a night owl, I can’t sleep before 1 am no matter how hard I try. For some reason, I get the best ideas in the middle of the night, so I end up working late at night on most days. ...

A Harvard Brain Researcher Warns You Against These Top 5 Deadly Brain-Destroying Habits

Healthy brain habits boost your cognition and memory but they won’t help if you don’t give up bad habits that damage your brain health. The effects of bad habits will always outweigh the effects of good habits. Giving up bad habits is the first step to improving your brain health. ...

You Delete Brain Fog From Your Life Completely With These 5 Small Tweaks

I envy poeple who wake up with a smiley face and high energy levels. I both hate and admire their routine. As a night owl, I can’t sleep before 1 am no matter how hard I try. For some reason, I get the best ideas in the middle of the night, so I end up working late at night on most days. ...

A Harvard Brain Researcher Warns You Against These Top 5 Deadly Brain-Destroying Habits

Healthy brain habits boost your cognition and memory but they won’t help if you don’t give up bad habits that damage your brain health. The effects of bad habits will always outweigh the effects of good habits. Giving up bad habits is the first step to improving your brain health. ...

The brain is always right… and sometimes left too

Logic and emotion are separated by a thin line, and it’s called the longitudinal fissure. So what happens when mental health experts insist we pretend this doesn’t exist? Our brain is divided into two parts — the left half and the right half. While the left half deals with logic...

Video Games and Brain Development: Unraveling Their Impact at the Cognitive and Emotional Growth of Children and Adolescents

In the virtual realm in which monitors dominate our lives, video video games have emerged as each a supply of enjoyment and a topic of debate. For kids and children, those digital worlds are extra than simply pixels and codes; they may be problematic environments that form cognitive abilities, socia...

Body, Brain and City memory.

I read the article, ‘Your brain does not function like a computer’ published by Aeon, as I prepare to launch two retreats in the next few months. One in the the Pacific ocean another one in the megalopolis of Mexico city. In this radical article about how we are overusing technology m...

The Chickadee: Nature’s Secret Genius Bird-Brain

Chickadees are smarter than their tiny heads might indicate. The round little genus of birds has long been a delight for birders, but, more recently, they’ve become a fascinating study species for behavioral scientists, too! Previously, I wrote on crow intelligence in Crows Aren’...

Winter Brain — Navigating the Seasonal Shifts in Mind and Mood

How people may experience difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, or feeling mentally sluggish during the winter months? In winter, some people struggle with concentration, memory, and feeling mentally sluggish. Cold weather and less sunlight can be the culprits. The body conserves energy in the...

Billionaire Brain Wave Review — Does It Work? Honest Opinion!

Nowadays, there are many programs out there that promote getting fast wealth — So what makes the Billionaire Brain Wave program so different? In this review, I’ll take a look at the program and tell you if it works or not! You’ll learn if listening through specialized audio trac...

The Dirty Truth Behind Brain Diseases

When you google information about brain disabilities/diseases and violence, all of the information available is about how the victims of domestic violence can end up suffering some sort of brain trauma/injury. There is minimal to no information publicly available for caretakers to help them mentally...

Probing the Gunman’s Brain for Clue: Exploring the Mental Factors Behind a Tragic Shooting

Card’s fatal outburst at a Lewiston bowling alley and bar on October 25th has propelled the state’s chief medical examiner to seek answers in a rather unusual but increasingly necessary way. Tissue samples from Card’s brain have been sent to a specialized lab at Boston University, ...

Gut: Our Second Brain

Believe it or not! Just like how cows have four stomachs (ruminants), octopuses have 3 hearts; humans have two brains. The brain is a complex organ that controls thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, temperature, hunger and every process that regulates our body. When refe...

CNNs for Brain Tumor Classification

According to the American Cancer Society, “As some early tumors may have signs and symptoms that can be noticed, catching tumors early often allows for more treatment options”. Therefore, with these novel features, medical professionals can start removing human-related errors or biases t...

Can Sulfur Save Your Brain?

Here is a conversation starter for your next party: You: “I was reading that sulfur compounds may protect against some brain diseases by inhibiting ferroptosis”. Depending on the background of your conversation partner, they might respond with one of the following: (1) Huh? (...

Unveiling the Neurochemical Symphony of Free Will and Brain Chemistry

As humans, we like to believe that we have control over our choices and actions. But could it be that there are underlying chemical processes influencing our decisions without us even realizing it? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of neuroscience to explore how our ...

One-time intervention. Gene therapy and fatal brain diseases

Healthy neurons naturally produce “TAR DNA binding protein 43,” called TDP-43 for short. This protein is important for healthy neuronal function. However, TDP-43 can be altered after synthesis, causing it to accumulate and concentrate in the “wrong” part of cells, preventing ...

Bad Blood: Brain Bleed Syndrome May Turn Out to Be Infectious

It seems like an obvious question, right? In the post-Van Leeuwenhoek era we can look at whatever part of the body is diseased under a microscope and see, you know, microbes — the usual suspects. Except when we can’t. And there are plenty of cases where we can’t — where th...

The Science of Brain Implants: Could They Make Your Brain More Powerful?

Brain implants have been researched and tested for years, and are only just being used for those who have a disability and aim to resolve it. However, for the majority of people, are brain implants, also known as brain computer interfaces (BCIs) useful and can they be used to make your brain more po...

How the brain responds to reward is linked to socioeconomic background

MIT neuroscientists have found that the brain’s sensitivity to rewarding experiences — a critical factor in motivation and attention — can be shaped by socioeconomic conditions. In a study of 12 to 14-year-olds whose socioeconomic status (SES) varied widely, the researchers foun...

How Our Brain Stores Trauma and Why Talking Therapies Aren’t Our Only Healers

I’ve been in talk therapy for the past 6 months with the ammunition of 3+ years of personal growth research, writing, and awareness to tackle my deeper wounds. It’s gone well for the most part — I nerd out on these topics, so I enjoy having someone to share my innermost thoughts an...

Understanding Brain Plasticity Through Music

In the grand orchestra of life, the most versatile and dynamic instrument we have is our brain. Our brain molds itself in response to the experiences and challenges we face. It’s like a fine violin adapting to the nimble fingers of a virtuoso. Brain plasticity is a remarkable ability. It&rsquo...

Is Your Brain an Illusion?

When told about the ancient Indian concept of Maya, which holds that the world is an illusion, most people both East and West shrug off the notion. If they ponder Maya at all, they relegate it to metaphysics, which is just as easy to disregard. But a century after the quantum revolution in physics, ...

A journey of improvements to Neurosity’s Brain Operating System

About a year ago, my friend Alex Castillo reached out asking for help with an embedded software project. His company, Neurosity, had just released a major new version of the software stack running on their flagship brain-imaging device and they were experiencing some pretty bad perfor...

Your brain on music.

Neuroscience shows that listening to music is a “whole brain experience”: it activates the left, the right, the front, the back, the inside and outside of your brain. Your favourite song triggers brain regions relating to your identity, your feelings and those of others: this is why...

Does Knowing More Than One Language Help or Hurt Your Brain?

For most of the last century, America viewed bilingualism as a detriment. Experts felt that learning a second language was too big a burden for children’s delicate minds, and could result in confusion, compound learning difficulties, and stunt intellectual growth. But about a gene...

Memory, Brain Function, and Behavior: Exploring the Intricate Connection Through Fear Memories

In a world grappling with the complexities of mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and PTSD, new research from Boston University neuroscientist Dr. Steve Ramirez and collaborators offers a unique perspective. The study, recently published in the Journal of Neur...

Wait — why DIDN’T you get your Brain Scanned?

TL;DR — As SOON as a *voluntary* Brain Scan is reliable, it will be a Social Expectation. If you don’t want to show your cred, it’s because you don’t got it! Justice ensues, to the chagrin of every blowhard charmer and douche. Applause! We can alre...

What do you know About The Human Brain?

The brain, that intricate three-pound marvel nestled within our skulls, is the epicenter of our existence. It orchestrates our thoughts, emotions, and actions, weaving together the very fabric of our humanity. Let’s embark on a journey to unravel the enigma of this remarkable organ. Anatomy...

Re-Thinking The ‘When’ And ‘How’ Of Brain Death

The traditional view of death, symbolized by the abrupt cessation of vital functions resulting in a ‘moment’ of death as declared by a physician, is increasingly being seen as an oversimplification. Research by a number of labs is suggesting that death is not a moment but rather, a proce...

Brain Rot Is Holding You Back

Brain rot refers to a state of mental fogginess and cognitive decline that more and more people seem to be experiencing today. While not a medically recognized condition per se, the term brain rot captures the phenomenon where people’s minds become progressively less focused, motivated, and pu...

How Much Information Does the Human Brain Learn Every Day?

Information: It’s what for dinner. Between tablets, smartphones, and other digital screens serving up an endless buffet of news, knowledge, and memes directly into our retinas, for better or worse, the future we live in now is but a feast for our eyes– literally. The average...

Understanding Neuroplasticity: Harnessing the Power of Brain Change for Self-Care

Today I want to talk about neuroscience and neuroplasticity, because I am a neuro-nerd and you should be too. As my kids would say, all things neuroscience right now is my “jam”. Speaking of kids, I specifically remember being taught in the D.A.R.E. program in school that once we killed ...

Why does the brain constantly modify itself?

Researchers from the University of Cambridge, Columbia University, and New York University conducted a study in which volunteers were tasked with making rapid judgments about the direction of flashing dots on a computer screen. Participants can indicate their confidence in the decision by rotating a...

The Dirty Truth Behind Brain Diseases

When you google information about brain disabilities/diseases and violence, all of the information available is about how the victims of domestic violence can end up suffering some sort of brain trauma/injury. There is minimal to no information publicly available for caretakers to help them mentally...

‘Switched On: A Memoir of Brain Change and Emotional Awakening’

John was diagnosed with Asperger’s (now included in Autism Spectrum Disorder) when he was in his forties. He says he always felt he was different. He wanted to be accepted on the playground but he didn’t quite know what to do or why he was shunned. Worse of all, he thought of himself not...

The Need for a Legal Framework to Protect Against Invasive Brain Computer Interfaces

The Rise of Invasive Brain Computer Interfaces Invasive BCIs involve the implantation of electrodes or other devices directly into the brain, allowing for a more precise and intimate connection with neural activity. While this technology holds immense promise, it also raises concerns ab...

What’s Going On In A Narcissistic Brain?

When we understand the neurobiological differences between a person with and without a personality disorder, we can isolate potential causes and treatment opportunities. Early life intervention also offers hope of preventing dysfunction associated with abuse, neglect and adversity that in many in...

Exploring the Brain Secrets Behind Innovative Ideas

The brain’s creative prowess is intricately connected to the interplay of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that transmit signals between nerve cells. Dopamine, in particular, plays a crucial role in the creative process. Studies have shown that an optimal level of dopamine is associated ...

Three Easy Ways To Change Your Life Using Brain Science

Most of the time, we think of change as a big, tough, or frightening leap. However, according to neuroscience, making small, positive shifts and repeating them daily causes a cumulative effect that can completely transform a person’s life. Those little bits of good changes we make along the wa...

How to Stop Your Primal Brain From Hijacking You at Work

Can you remember a time when your pulse was racing at work? Perhaps you recall a moment when you went red in the face in a meeting or needed to stop and take some deep breaths. Maybe you felt tense when being told of a task or broke a sweat trying to beat a deadline. These physical reactions are ...

Internet Brain is a Real Thing

In my latest book, The Practice of Groundedness, I traced this general sense of dis-ease to a concept I called heroic individualism: an ongoing game of oneupmanship against yourself and others where the goalpost is always ten-yards down the field. Heroic individualism is a vicious spiral of go,...

How Reading Stimulates Brain Growth

If someone’s constantly glued to their screens, scrolling through social media feeds or binge-watching their favorite shows, it’s easy to assume that reading is a dying habit. In our fast-paced, technology-driven world, the allure of instant gratification and visual stimulation often ...

16 Psychological Brain Benders That Will Surprise Your friends

I Love These Little Devils I’ve been collecting random facts for years. These are the ones that have stuck in head. I can’t remember where they came from and I am not citing any links to research. Debunk them if you can. Come here, I have something to tell you Whispering to s...

Common mistakes our brain makes every day.

I was genuinely surprised by some of these subconscious thinking mistakes I make all too often. While none of them are earth-shattering, they are remarkably eye-opening, and avoiding them could lead to more rational, reasoned decisions. Especially as we continually strive for self-improvement whi...

Preacher’s Daughter: Ethel Cain Altered My Brain Chemistry

Normally, I feel like I need time before I can review new music. I need to know all the ins and outs of the album, and everything about the artist. I want my articles to exude expertise, and I don’t want to act like an expert if I don’t actually feel like one on the subject. But this tim...

New Scientist’s Brain Twister 7: Home Primes

home prime of a number, follow this procedure: first, find its prime factors; then concatenate these by writing the prime factors in size order to form a new number using all of their digits; then repeat until the resulting number is prime. For example, 9 = 3 × 3, so its prime factors are 3...

Surprise: Your brain recovers from alcoholism faster than you think

I think one reason people delay quitting destructive alcohol is they think they’re “too old” or that it’s too late for them to reverse the damage they’ve already done. Well, I have some great news. New research by Stanford University scientists shows it probably t...

The Second Brain Concept: A Flawed Premise?

If you’re even the slightest bit interested in Personal Knowledge Management (PKM), you’ll probably be familiar with the concept introduced by Tiago Forte of building a ‘second brain’. For those that don’t know, Mr Forte advocates building an external, centralised,&n...

Train Your Brain to Think in French — How to Learn Better and Faster

If you’re learning French, it’s not enough to just memorize vocabulary and grammar rules. To truly master the language, you need to be able to think in French. When you have a habit of thinking in French: vocabulary comes easier, sentence structure is easier to deal with, you thi...