The Chickadee: Nature’s Secret Genius Bird-Brain

<p>Chickadees are smarter than their tiny heads might indicate. The round little genus of birds has long been a delight for birders, but, more recently, they&rsquo;ve become a fascinating study species for behavioral scientists, too!</p> <p>Previously, I wrote on crow intelligence in&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">Crows Aren&rsquo;t Bird-brained</a>, mentioning how crows shine as an example above most other birds &mdash; and, indeed, other animals, in their intellect. But, that perspective was admittedly limited and, in actuality, biology is actively discovering that our collective scientific perspective on avian intelligence is also limited!</p> <p>Chickadee studies around the globe are reshaping the narrative of avian intelligence. Discover why, according to animal research, being called bird-brained might actually be a compliment.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bird Brain