How Our Brain Stores Trauma and Why Talking Therapies Aren’t Our Only Healers

<p>I&rsquo;ve been in talk therapy for the past 6 months with the ammunition of 3+ years of personal growth research, writing, and awareness to tackle my deeper wounds. It&rsquo;s gone well for the most part &mdash; I nerd out on these topics, so I enjoy having someone to share my innermost thoughts and ideas with and welcome in the 3rd party feedback. It was also something I wanted to invest in whilst preparing for my upcoming podcast (!).</p> <p>And whilst the rational-based conversations and CBT framework my therapist often uses have helped me<em>&nbsp;identify&nbsp;</em>some limiting beliefs and core wounds, I wouldn&rsquo;t say the practice has&nbsp;<em>integrated</em>&nbsp;or t<em>ransformed</em>&nbsp;them for me. To be honest, I often feel like the behaviour changes I implement and my newfound awareness is just layers I&rsquo;m adding to a deeper wound that isn&rsquo;t changing or being felt. Like covering up a problem by pushing it further away, it&rsquo;s still there &mdash; to come out when I am triggered, or otherwise stressed.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Brain Stores