16 Psychological Brain Benders That Will Surprise Your friends

<h1>I Love These Little Devils</h1> <p>I&rsquo;ve been collecting random facts for years. These are the ones that have stuck in head. I can&rsquo;t remember where they came from and I am not citing any links to research.</p> <p>Debunk them if you can.</p> <h2>Come here, I have something to tell you</h2> <p>Whispering to someone will prompt them to whisper back, even if it&rsquo;s unnecessary. It works every time.</p> <p>Try it. Lean in, and whisper,&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Have you got the time?&rdquo;</em></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/16-psychological-brain-benders-that-will-surprise-your-friends-eada3341ef3a"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Brain Benders