A Harvard Brain Researcher Warns You Against These Top 5 Deadly Brain-Destroying Habits

<p>Healthy brain habits boost your cognition and memory but they won&rsquo;t help if you don&rsquo;t give up bad habits that damage your brain health.</p> <p>The effects of bad habits will always outweigh the effects of good habits. Giving up bad habits is the first step to improving your brain health.</p> <p><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19789669.Uma_Naidoo" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Dr. Uma Naidoo</a>&nbsp;a neuroscience researcher warns against these five brain-damaging habits.</p> <h1>1. Two Food That You Need to Ditch</h1> <p>Your diet is the number factor for a healthy lifestyle. Food will either nourish or repress your brain power.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/in-fitness-and-in-health/harvards-top-nutritional-psychiatric-reveals-5-secret-superfoods-for-a-healthy-brain-92eda718192e" rel="noopener"><strong><em>A brain-healthy diet includes these 6 foods according to Dr. Naidoo,</em></strong></a>&nbsp;so she makes sure to eat them daily.</p> <p>But she focuses more on not eating the two foods that are proven to cause brain fog and poor cognition.</p> <p>She avoids fried foods at all costs as they can increase the risk of anxiety and depression.</p> <p>Another food that she avoids is sugar, which is a real challenge as we now live in a sugar land.</p> <p>The food industry has sneaked in sugar in everything. All pre-packed, processed foods are dripping with sugar.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/in-fitness-and-in-health/a-harvard-brain-researcher-warns-you-against-these-top-5-deadly-brain-destroying-habits-b38d1db11dab">Click Here</a></p>