9 habits that damage your brain,

<blockquote> <p>Welcome Dear Readers In today&rsquo;s talk we will talk about 9 bad habits we impose on ourselves.In our relentless pursuit of personal growth, we often find ourselves clinging to habits that hinder our growth.</p> <p>They become obstacles.To truly transform our lives, we must confront and overcome these habits. We&rsquo;ll be on a mission to get rid of nine harmful behaviors during this 30-day challenge.</p> <p>By the time it&rsquo;s over you&rsquo;ll be well on your way to a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life. But let me also say that anyhuman being<br /> It may take 30 to 200 days to change your habit.</p> <p>it&rsquo;s a long way first we have to complete this 30 day challenge to feed our mind and if we can do it for 30 days then we can go ahead with it.</p> </blockquote> <h2>1. Social Isolation: Break the Bubble</h2> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Ai pic&nbsp;</p> <p>It&#39;s all too easy to isolate ourselves from real-world contacts by withdrawing into our digital bubbles.</p> <p>Let&#39;s make an attempt to interact with others throughout the course of the next 30 days.</p> <p>Make plans to see family members, call up old pals, or just start a chat with an acquaintance.<br /> Reconnect because nurturing relationships is essential for our well-being.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/9-habits-that-damage-your-brain-c1b50bc56c01">Website</a></p>
Tags: Brain damage