How Noise Can Affect the Brain Health and What We Can Do About It

<p>Coming from a cognitive science research background, I wrote many articles about the brain, cognitive performance, and mental health. You may access these stories&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">via this comprehensive list</a>. In this post, I delve into an environmental factor (noise) adversely affecting the brain, cognitive function, and mental health.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ll explain noise pollution&rsquo;s impact on the brain and cognition, offering a concise, practical overview supported by credible scientific sources and years of research.</p> <p>While avoiding overly technical details and distilling them, I&rsquo;ll provide insights and practical tips drawn from studies and my experience. I link some relevant studies and my own articles to keep this story short and valuable.</p> <p>Like many people, I am susceptible to noise. Sound is an inevitable part of our lives, connecting us with others, entertaining us, and allowing essential communication. It is necessary for our survival and well-being.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Brain Noise